Friday, April 25, 2014

Why Are The Gold Bugs Fleeing The U.S.?

U.S. Exports A Record Amount Of Gold To Hong Kong In January -- Zero Hedge

The figures are out and it looks like the United States exported a record amount of gold to Hong Kong in January. Not only was this a one month record… it was a WHOPPER indeed.

Last year, the U.S. exported a total of 215 metric tons of gold bullion to Hong Kong. This was not the total amount of gold exported to Hong Kong as some smaller quantities of Dore’ and precipitates made their way into the country as well.

However, Hong Kong received more gold than any other country… Switzerland came in second at 150 metric tons. The table below shows the breakdown in U.S. Gold Bullion exports in 2013:

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My Comment: I always follow the gold markets not because I am an investor (I am not), but because the flow of where gold is going to (and leaving) has always been a good indicator to me on future political/economic/national security trends. In this case .... everyone is bailing out of the U.S. .... especially now. What do the people with enormous amounts of money know that everyone else does not know (yet) .... that is an answer that I am always looking for.

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