Friday, April 4, 2014

World News Briefs -- April 4, 2014 (Evening Edition)

Flight 370: The Search Goes Under Water -- CNN

Perth, Australia (CNN) -- The hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 took on increasing urgency Friday as searchers began scouring the ocean floor and the batteries powering its locator pingers approached the end of their expected lifetimes.

If they die, so too could investigators' best hope of determining what caused the jetliner to vanish from radar screens last month.

Fourteen aircraft and 11 ships were involved in Friday's activities, reported the Australian agency coordinating the search efforts.

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has determined a search area of about 84,000 square miles (218,000 square kilometers), 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) northwest of Perth.

Weather in the area was good, with visibility greater than 6 miles (10 kilometers).

But searchers were fighting steep odds.

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Abducted Iranian guards freed in Pakistan.

Israel Air Force strikes targets in Gaza after rocket fire.

Syria 'can meet' chemical weapons deadline.

Syrian troops bombard suburbs of the capital, Damascus, in clash with rebels.

Attacks on Iraqi army, marketplace kill 6 people.

Spike in Iran executions seen politically motivated.

Turkey court overturns YouTube ban, except on 15 videos. Erdogan slams court rejection of Twitter ban.

With Israeli-Palestinian peace talks faltering, Kerry must decide how to proceed. Kerry warns U.S. is evaluating role in Middle East peace talks.

Lebanese former warlord to run for president.

Bahrain activists urge boycott of F1 race.


India set to begin world's largest vote.

U.S. to skip China fleet review after Japan shunned.

South Korea, China condemn Japan over textbooks in latest fight.

U.S. warns China not to try Crimea-style action in Asia.

Pakistan Taliban extends ceasefire. Pakistan Taliban extend ceasefire for 10 days after prisoner release.

Philippines says will exercise self-restraint in disputed seas.

North Korean UAV took 190 photos of South Korean presidential office.

North Korea launches misogynist tirade against South Korean president.

Afghan policeman shoots two foreign journalists, one killed. Veteran AP photographer killed by Afghan policeman; reporter wounded.

Afghan elections: main contenders.

Hunt for Malaysian plane heads underwater to find black box.

Mumbai gang rape: Death sentences for India rapists.

Deadly floods devastate Solomon Islands.


Mali starts process to confine armed rebels.

Malawi invites poll observers to monitor May election.

UN: 500,000 displaced by southeast Congo attacks.

Central African Republic: UN says Chadian soldiers responsible for deadly Bangui attack. U.N. says Chadian soldiers killed 30 in Central African Republic attack.

Ebola outbreak: Mali on alert.

Nigeria poised to become Africa's biggest economy.

Kenyan police quell unrest after Islamist shooting: witness.

Obama signs executive order as South Sudan accuses US of meddling.

Rwandan life expectancy doubles in last 20 years, study finds.

Rights group calls on U.S. to delay military aid to Egypt.


EU leaders pile more pressure on Russia.

Hague: Europe must not relax on Russia sanctions.

Russia accuses 25 Ukrainians of planning terror attacks.

Ukraine PM says will stick to austerity despite Moscow pressure.

Ukraine in 'emergency' talks with European neighbors over gas imports.

Moscow calls on Ukraine to pay down its gas debt.

NATO opens Kosovo airspace to civilian overflights after 15 years.

Germany opens hearings on U.S. spying.

Brussels: Police disperse protesters with tear gas, water cannon.

Four troops killed, 7 injured as armored infantry carrier trips mine in Chechnya.

Russia to finalize Arctic continental shelf claim this fall.

New French government seeks parliament confidence vote on Tuesday.

Bosnian Serb war crimes suspect arrested in France.


'We do not expect any more fatalities,' doctor says Of Fort Hood victims.

Costa Rica leftist seen clinching Presidency in one-horse race.

Two drug tunnels, with rail systems, found at U.S.-Mexico border.

Aftershocks rattle Chile as military keeps order.

US economy adds 192,000 jobs in March.

'Cuban Twitter' heads to hearings in Congress. White House: 'Cuban Twitter' was not covert operation.

‘Cease illegal activity against Cuba’: Havana slams Washington for ‘Twitter’ program.

Severe storms, tornadoes rip U.S. Midwest, South.

Americans say 75 percent of politicians are corrupted, 70 percent use political power to hurt enemies.

White House objects to Ortiz-Obama selfie.


Zawahiri eulogizes al Qaeda's slain Syrian representative.

Yemen's al-Qaida claims credit for Aden attack.

U.S. House bill aims to halt Hezbollah funding.

Would-be Afghan leader: Al Qaeda will return if U.S. troops go.


Stocks end near lows: Nasdaq wipes out 2.5%, Dow dives 150.

U.S. probing high-speed trading, attorney general says.

World’s top record labels sue VKontakte for allowing piracy.

New Harris poll finds NSA spying affecting online commerce.

McDonald’s shuts down its three restaurants in Crimea.

Mozilla boss Brendan Eich resigns after gay marriage storm.

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