Saturday, May 24, 2014

After Iraq And Afghanistan The Next U.S. - NATO Disaster Will Be Africa

Adam Taylor and Laris Karklis/The Washington Post

Coups And Terror Are The Fruit Of Nato's War In Libya -- Seamas Milne, The Guardian

The dire consequences of the west's intervention are being felt today in Tripoli and across Africa, from Mali to Nigeria

Iraq may have been a blood-drenched disaster and Afghanistan a grinding military and political failure. But Libya was supposed to have been different. Nato's war to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi in 2011 was hailed as the liberal intervention that worked.

The western powers might have had to twist the meaning of the UN resolution about protecting civilians, the city of Sirte might have been reduced to rubble, large-scale ethnic cleansing taken place and thousands of civilians killed. But it was all in a noble cause and achieved without Nato casualties.

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My Comment: A sobering analysis on the limits of western intervention.

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