Saturday, May 24, 2014

America's Intelligence Community Is On The Verge Of Implementing 'Revolutionary' Technical Advances In Their Operations

DNI Clapper Teases ‘Revolutionary’ Intel Future; Big Cost Savings From Cutting Contractors -- Colin Clark, Breaking Defense

COLORADO SPRINGS: The intelligence community is on the verge of “revolutionary” technical advances. Spy satellites and other systems will be able to watch a place or a person for long periods of time and warn intelligence analysts and operatives when target changes its behavior. Satellites and their sensors could be redirected automatically to ensure nothing is missed.

“We will have systems that are capable of persistence: staring at a place for an extended period of time to detect activity; to understand patterns of life; to warn us when a pattern is broken, when the abnormal happens; and even to use ABI [Activity Based Intelligence] methodologies to predict future actions,” Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said today in remarks here at the Space Foundation’s annual National Space Symposium.

Read more ....

My Comment: He does not mention what these “revolutionary” technical advances are .... but I suspect that they involve watching/listening targets in real time and doing so over long periods of time.


James said...

I'll have to reread this, but first impression nothing at all. If they had something revolutionary would he mention it, better not. The techniques for analysis haven't changed a bit, just the support technology. One day, if I remember it well enough, I'll tell you a story of Soviet ICBM silos, telephone poles, wires, and toilet paper.

This just seems to be another case of these guys unable to keep their mouths shut.

War News Updates Editor said...

Toilet paper?!?!?! For Russians .... toilet paper is a big thing (at least when I was growing up).

You are right about them not being able to keep their mouths shut .... but we should not be surprised. I have never seen so many top level US officials that are insecure and uncomfortable with their egos as is the case with this group. They need to brag .... which is a dangerous thing to do in the world that we are presently living in.