Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Amnesty International: Half The World Lives In Fear Of Torture

Amnesty: Torture Use 'Systematic' in Many Countries -- Voice of America

LONDON — Governments around the world are failing to keep the promises they made in the 1984 U.N. Convention on Torture, according to human rights group Amnesty International. Amnesty International says many countries are using torture systematically on a vast scale.

In his home city of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Justine Ijeomah is known as 'Mr. Human Rights'.

In a region with high rates of poverty and crime, Ijeomah offers support to people arrested and held by authorities. He says many of the younger, poorer detainees suffer police brutality and torture.

He describes the torture police allegedly carried out on one detainee, accused of kidnapping.

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More News On Amnesty International's Report On Global Torture

Torture In 2014: 30 Years of Broken Promises -- Amnesty International
Global crisis on torture exposed by new worldwide campaign -- Amnesty International
Nearly half of people around world fear torture in custody: Amnesty -- Reuters
Amnesty International Says Torture Practices Widespread -- Radio Free Europe
Government backed torture is flourishing, says Amnesty -- EU Observer
Amnesty International report finds global torture 'flourishing' -- Voice of Russia
Amnesty: 141 countries still torture -- Al Jazeera
Amnesty: Torture is alive and flourishing -- Al Jazeera
China, North Korea Among Asia’s Worst Culprits for Torture: Report -- Radio Free Asia
Torture remains rampant in sub-Saharan Africa, Amnesty International declares -- Catholic Online
Torture is a ‘global crisis’ – but more than a third of people think it can be justified --