Sunday, May 25, 2014

Both Sides In The Syrian Civil War Are Now Bracing For The Final Battle Of Aleppo

A motorcyclist and his passenger drive past a site in Aleppo hit by what rebels said were barrel bombs dropped by forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad. Photograph: Reuters

Battle For Aleppo Could Prove Final Reckoning In Syria's War -- The Guardian

Pro-Assad forces are poised to cut off rebel supply lines and end nearly two years of insurrection in the ruined city

High spring in Syria's largest city and the final battle has arrived. From his vantage point on a frontline in Aleppo's northeast, Abu Bilal, a rebel commander, had spent the past month staring at a ridge line about a mile away that marked the closest Syrian military position.

A large white house, the one building still standing, had been the target for the only tank his men had. It shimmered in the rising heat and, at times, figures seemed to appear briefly in the distant haze. Were they really there?

There was nothing illusory about the Syrian soldiers and tanks that appeared last Thursday, though. Just after dawn, the ridge and the cobalt sky erupted with an intensity that Bilal and his unit had not seen in the two-year fight for Aleppo.

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My Comment: Even if the Syrian government wins Aleppo .... the insurgency and the slaughter will still go on.

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