Saturday, May 10, 2014

Editor's Note

A few readers have asked me how is my  mom doing. For those who do not know, my 88 year old mother had a bad fall this past Tuesday. Her sciatic nerve acted up .... she fell .... injured her hip (not broken .... thank God) .... and she fractured her wrist. She is currently at home where we are all taking care of her. Her lower back/leg pain caused by her sciatic nerve is .... as she told us yesterday .... more painful than childbirth .... but she is making progress albeit slowly.

One thing that has helped has been the overwhelming response from her friends, family, and even readers of this blog. I showed her yesterday some of the comments and emails that I have received from the readers of this blog wishing her the best .... she was surprised .... and it cheered her up immeasurably. The posted comments are public .... but it was the personal emails that surprise her the most (as well as surprising me). A former Canadian Prime Minister, a response from someone with a email, a senior Russian politician that I know, a retired Chinese provincial premier and his family that I know, intelligence officers, Generals, retired vets from a multiple of countries who want to stay current on international/military/defense issues, fellow bloggers, .... and .... more important to me .... the regular readers of this blog.

To say that I am humbled and grateful is an understatement. When I first started this blog years ago I did so because I was unhappy with the news coverage of many of the world's conflicts .... it was also a means for me to work on my English and to pontificate on the issues of the day. Since then .... after 60,000 posted stories, almost 4 million unique visitors, millions of page views, and a growing and loyal readership .... I am still surprised by all of it. My only regret is that I wish I could dedicate more time to this blog. Maybe when I finally retire I will. :)

So to everyone .... thank you.


James said...

Ah, the scourge of having an excellent and popular product.

Rhaegar said...

Thank you for making this blog and for covering all the news. I hope you wil continue with this and i wish you a good day.

phill said...

Thanks for everything including the W.N.U addiction that I partake in daily.

RussInSoCal said...

I wish your mom a speedy recovery. Glad she was not more seriously hurt.

Nicholas Darkwater said...

If you're counting the responses, I match a few of the above descriptors (including 'retired'), but the main point is that you put forth an excellent source of news and your occasional commentary.

My best to your mother and a wish for a speedy recovery.