Sunday, May 25, 2014

Even The Russian President Must Go On Vacation

Russian President Vladimir Putin 'Heads To Spain For A Detox Spa' -- Express

VLADIMIR Putin is believed to have been taking time out from running Russia - to indulge at a luxury Spanish health spa.

The leader - who is embroiled in a spat with Prince Charles - is said to have been on a detox diet of whole cereal grains, beans, veg and a daily cup of miso soup during his stay at the resort loved by Naomi Campbell and Kylie Minogue.

According to respected Spanish newspaper La Razon, Putin holidayed near Alicante at the Sha Wellness Clinic.

It comes a day after the President became embroiled in a row with the British heir after he reportedly compared Russia's actions in Ukraine with Hitler's Nazi occupation of Europe.

Putin said the comparison was "unacceptable" and "not what monarchs do."

Read more ....

Update #1: Russian President Vladimir Putin enjoys £1,600-a-night spa after spat with Prince Charles -- Daily Star

My Comment: What caught my eye was the Daily Star`s comment that in his entourage were a number of `models`. OK ....

At least we now know that he will probably not order the invasion of Ukraine .... especially during his vacation.

Update #2: Just showed the GF the above video .... oh oh .... big mistake .... she now wants to go there .... but only with her GFs. Stupid me.


James said...

What a racket. Talk about fools and their money soon parted.

Unknown said...

Big strong shirtless horse riding vodka Drinking man went to a spa????? Ha ha..... well he's a lot better off than me. I cant pay my bills and can barely feed my family. So the jokes on me. Excuse me while i play you a little diddy on my fiddle ...