Monday, May 12, 2014

Former Israeli Atomic Chief: Iran Ten Years Away From A Nuclear Bomb

Is Iran Ten Years Away From a Nuclear Bomb? -- Zachary Keck, The Diplomat

A former Israeli atomic chief claims Iran would need ten years to develop an operational nuclear weapon.

The former head of Israel’s nuclear agency says that Iran is at least a decade away from acquiring an operational nuclear weapon.

According to Israeli media outlets, Brigadier General (res.) Uzi Eilam, who served for ten years as the head of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, said that it would take Iran a decade to acquire a nuclear deterrent, and it might not even be seeking one.

“The Iranian nuclear program will only be operational in another 10 years,” Eilam said Ynet News reported. “Even so, I am not sure that Iran wants the bomb.”

Eilam said he based his assessment on his long history of working on Israel’s atomic and missile programs. “From being involved in many technology projects, I have learned the hard way that things take time,” Eilam said.

Read more ....

My Comment: Bottom line .... with the exception of the Iranian government and their nuclear scientists .... no one really knows how far away is Iran in developing an operational nuclear weapon.


James said...

Bottom line, if you're Netanyahu can you take the chance? "You feel lucky punk?". Nothing like betting on a few million lives.

War News Updates Editor said...

So true James. When it comes to Iran .... no one has been lucky.

Unknown said... it's okay if israel has more than 400 nukes?
A country that violates human rights everyday (yes yes, i know about saudi arabia but they dont hav nukes).

Even a member of UN called for the world to boycott Israel.
And that very same country has nukes?

Im not bein biased cos Iran is a shia country and im a sunni muslim.

Im just thinking outside the box and using commonsense

Unknown said...

Does it have 400+ nukes???
I wouldn't know, nobody does, seeing though Israel has never announced if it has or not.

However, Iran is a signatory of the NPT, Israel is not.
Israel does not go around threatening to wipe a country off the map on a near daily basis, Iran does.

As for Human Rights, all the countries you champion Salim are guilty of gross Human Rights abuses, even those innocent Palestinians to their own people

Report: Human Rights Violations Increasing in Palestinian Territories:

But that's not the point James is making and you've missed it completely..

Instead of reacting - stop, process/internalise, research and then respond. Otherwise it's just verbal diarrhea...

@James - I've said it before, it's when the threats of action go silent that 'it's on' and the way things seem to be panning out vis-a-vis the Nuclear Accord, I don't think we have long to wait

Publius said...

The Israelis are on their own with respect to Iran. The weakness of the West in general and of the Obama Administration in particular, militate that conclusion.

I agree that only the Iranian Government and its scientists know when Iran's bomb will likely be ready. The critical timeline is not when the Iranian Government calculates it will have a bomb, but when the Israelis calculate the Iranians will have it.

Note that Brigadier General Eilam is describing how long it will take Iran to have an operational nuclear arsenal, not to accumulate fissionable material and the technical knowledge to build a bomb. The latter will happen much sooner.

The signs seem to be that Israel thinks that the Iran is much closer to the "point of no return" at which Iran will have enough fissionable material and technical expertise such that prevention will thereafter be impossible. I agree with the comments who think we don't have long to wait.

Unknown said...

Publius - I enjoyed reading your comment/analysis. Far more eloquently put into words than I could achieve.

Hussam said...

National Council of Resistance of Iran, a broad coalition of democratic Iranian organizations, groups, and personalities, was founded in 1981 in Tehran, Iran on the initiative of Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance. For more information visit

Hussam said...

National Council of Resistance of Iran, a broad coalition of democratic Iranian organizations, groups, and personalities, was founded in 1981 in Tehran, Iran on the initiative of Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian Resistance. For more information visit