Monday, May 12, 2014

Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger Does Not Believe That Putin Planned The Ukraine Crisis

Kissinger: Putin Likely Didn't Plan To Bring Ukraine Situation To A Head -- Fareed Zakaria, CNN

Fareed speaks with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger about what might be behind Russia’s recent policy toward Ukraine. Watch the full interview on "Fareed Zakaria GPS," this Sunday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN

Kissinger: One has to ask oneself this question: He spent $60 billion on the Olympics. They had opening and closing ceremonies, trying to show Russia as a normal progressive state. So it isn't possible that he, three days later, would voluntarily start an assault on Ukraine. There is no doubt that…

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My Comment: I am usually in disagreement with Henry Kissinger .... but his analysis on this one is spot on.


Unknown said...

Putin maybe did not plan the unrest in Ukraine but he definitely took advantage of the situation to keep the territory under Russian influence. . And while I agree that the will of the majority on Ukraine should be respected, the fact that troop where on the ground in crimea before the poll actually says much about Russia intentions, No Country should be invading another country without consequences. .

War News Updates Editor said...

There is no question that Putin has taken advantage of the situation .... but he has been immeasurably helped by the sheer incompetence and short-sightedness of the interim government in Ukraine.

When Kiev passed their anti-Russian laws (and then rescinded it) .... it told everyone in eastern Ukraine on what were their intentions. Throw in the fact that there is no representation from eastern Ukraine on the senior level in this interim government has certainly not helped the situation.