Saturday, May 24, 2014

Gallop Poll: Americans Say U.S. Army Is Most Important; Marines Most Prestigious

Americans Say Army Most Important Branch to U.S. Defense -- Gallop

Marine Corps considered most prestigious branch by wide margin

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans believe that the U.S. Army is the most important service branch to national defense, followed closely by the Air Force. Fewer than one in five choose the Marine Corps or the Navy. The Army has edged out other military branches in Gallup surveys conducted throughout the last decade.

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My Comment: Why is the Coast Guard always at the bottom?


agraves said...

Why is the Coast Guard at the bottom? Is this a serious question? As a Marine veteran I can tell you this: people enter the Coast Guard to avoid going into harms way, simple. They want some adventure, some government perks, etc. but they don't want to get hurt while doing it. I guess you are not an American veteran or you would know this information. Alex

War News Updates Editor said...

LOL .... you took my bait agraves. I know only too well why the Coast Guard is at the bottom of the list. One of my closest friends is in the Canadian Coast Guard .... and while it is not the US Coast Guard, the stories that he tells me ....

agraves said...

You are forgiven. But don't let it happen again. Semper Fidelis.