Friday, May 23, 2014

Japan's Soluton To Get Rid Of 100s Of Tons Of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Is To Dump It Into The Pacific

Japan Begins Purposely Dumping 100s Of Tons Of Radioactive Water From Fukushima Into The Pacific -- Zero Hedge

How do you get rid of hundreds of tons of highly radioactive water?  You dump it into the Pacific Ocean of course!  In Japan, the  Tokyo Electric Power Co. has made the “painful decision” to begin purposely dumping massive amounts of radioactive water currently being stored at the destroyed Fukushima nuclear facility directly into the Pacific.  This is being done even though water radiation levels near Fukushima spiked to a brand new all-time record high just a few days ago.  The radioactive material that is being released will enter our food chain and will potentially stay with us for decades to come.  Fukushima is an environmental nightmare that never seems to end, but the mainstream media in the United States decided to pretty much stop talking about it long ago.  So don’t expect the big news networks to make a big deal out of the fact that Japan is choosing to use the Pacific Ocean as a toilet for their nuclear waste.  But even though they aren’t talking about it, that doesn’t mean that radioactive material from Fukushima is not seriously affecting the health of millions of people all over the planet.

Read more ....

My Comment: I get a chill down my spine when I read stories like this one .... the reason why is that I know too well on what will be the impact from this radiation poisoning on our populations ... specifically on the young. I was working in China when the disaster at Chernobyl occurred .... and in the years after that I ended up working for the UN at ICAO in Montreal. My trips back to Russia/Ukraine were sporadic .... a few weeks here .... a few weeks there .... etc.. But during this time I started to notice the deterioration in the health of many young children .... specifically in Ukraine. Case in point .... my cousin's daughter got severely sick during this time .... her immune system essentially shut down, and if it was not for the antibiotics that I was shipping back home from Montreal .... she would probably not be around today. But my actions attracted attention .... and before I knew it I was sending boxes of the stuff to needy families and doctors in Kiev as well as to Minsk (Belarus) .... the crisis was hitting everyone .... and everyone also knew what was the cause .... low level radiation .... and it was impacting our young the most.

Flash forward to today .... the Japanese are now doing the same thing .... they are poisoning our ecosystem and it will be the young who will impacted the most .... but what makes this story even more perplexing (and makes me angry) .... is the absence of the media in covering this story and zero outrage from our politicians.


oldfatslow said...

A buddy who is in the
nuclear business said
this about the article:

"Too many things to address, but I'll try. First of all, there's not just one kind of radioactive water. It depends of what kind of radioactive isotope(s) is in the water and what is it's half life. Some have a half life of a few minutes or hours...probably not what they're releasing, but we don't know that. What is the radiation level before and after filtering. Resin beds can do a good job of filtering. Nuke plants have resin bed filters. It's quite possible that Fukushima is releasing low level like they said they were. The water volume the article is stating - the initial dump is 560 tons, about as much as in 4 large backyard swimming pools. Then, 100 tons a day, a backyard pool full. The map - most of these maps are made up - doctored. Some are NOAA maps that have nothing to do with radioactive water. This one appears to be just a non-scientific guess. If you lived in Australia, I'd guess the maps would show a lot of that heading to Australia instead of the west coast, Alaska and Hawaii. Then there's this - water shields radioactivity. There is no way a satellite could detect 4 swimming pools of low level liquid radioactive waste from outer space. Also, a person can't go up to the ocean with an RO2 meter and get a reading...ain't gonna happen, not even a mile from the plant. I'm sure they are and have released radioactive water by the pool full, but there is no way to calculate levels, isotopes, half life, dissolution, currents, without getting a full on story-telling spin from people who hate anything with the word nuclear in it...the same people who are telling us half the world will be underwater in 100 years from global warming."

War News Updates Editor said...

I appreciate your input OFS .... the reassurance from your friend is ... reassuring. As to what is my own personal take on nuclear energy .... if done right it is better than some of our alternatives .... but the consequences when things go wrong can be catastrophic. As for Fukushima .... I am not worried about the West coast of the North America .... the radiation will be insignificant. But for the area around Fukushima .... I shudder because I do remember Chernobyl.