Monday, May 5, 2014

Western Countries Are Expecting Blowback From Syrian Jihadists

Members of the Free Syrian Army perform prayers in Damascus in this handout photo provided by the Shaam News Network. (Reuters)

Syria’s Terror Blowback Threatens Europe And The United States -- Bruce Riedel, Daily Beast

The flow of foreign fighters to Syria to join the war against Bashar Assad’s dictatorship is becoming the largest in the history of the global jihad, and the Syrian battleground is on the way to outstripping the 1980s Afghan war against the Soviets as a training ground for Islamic militants. Security services around the world are becoming increasingly alarmed at the implications for the safety of their citizens.

American intelligence officials now put the number of foreign fighters who have gone to Syria since the war began in 2011 at between 8,000 and 10,000. Other sources put the total even higher, up to 12,000. The largest contingent is probably Saudis. Saudi sources put the number of their citizens who have gone to wage jihad in Syria at 1,200, of whom 300 are reported to have died on the battlefield. Jordanian sources report about a thousand Jordanians have gone to fight in their northern neighbor. Figures for other Arab countries are largely unavailable. There are no coherent governments counting the flow of fighters from broken states like Yemen, Libya or Iraq, but we know from previous experience they are likely sources of jihadists.

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My Comment: The worst case scenario will not be returning Jihadists .... the worse case scenario is a Jihadist victory in Syria that will then provide them a base to operate from while targeting us.


Publius said...
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Publius said...

I agree that the worst outcome is a jihadist victory.

Returning jihadists are certainly dangerous, because they have experience fighting. They may overmatch our police.

I honestly wonder how great a danger this is. To be coldly realistic:

1. Many Western jihadists will die in Syria. They will not return.

2. Many more will be wounded. They will return unable to fight.

3. Those who return uninjured will be embittered against other Moslems, not against Western Christians or seculars. Will they transfer their grudges from their co-religionists to us?

4. This fighting in Syria is horrific slaughter. Just yesterday press reports said that jihadists are fighting each other and taking zero prisoners. Evidently they are beheading and crucifying captured prisoners. Yikes! With fresh men, supplies, weapons, and money being poured in by the neighbors, the war will likely go on for years. Many humans from all cultures return from such wars very reluctant to fight again. I don't see why these men will be different.

Unknown said...

"Money being poured in by neighbours"

What about the USA and UK.
They are pouring the fuel into the fire the most. Its not just the "neighboring" countries.

Unknown said...

are you been blocked or been stopped on reporting on ukraine crises as your reporting has really dried up