Thursday, June 12, 2014

An Indepth Look At The Terror Group ISIS

Blood-Soaked Fanatics Who Make Al Qaeda Look Amateur: Formidable Army Of 12,000 Black-clad Fanatics Who Rule By Beheading, Amputation And Crucifixion -- Daily Mail

* Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) rules nation-sized swathe of land
* Grew out of Al Qaeda in Iraq, but has eclipsed them in power and brutality
* Boasts 12,000 fighters, many of whom have flooded in from abroad
* Grew stronger thanks to unrest in Syria - and is well-armed and well-funded
* Rules its territory with a ruthless take on Islamic law, involving brutal punishment

The Iraqi government policemen and soldiers in Mosul abandoned their weapons and uniforms with barely a fight against the army of black-clad killers from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terror group.

The gunmen quickly laid their hands on a mass of abandoned U.S. military equipment to add to their massive arsenal, ranging from Humvee vehicles to night-sights and body armour.

Among the first acts of this ruthless force of Islamic militants was to liberate 2,500 prisoners from two jails - many of them terrorists who immediately joined their ranks.

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More News On ISIS

What Is ISIS, The Syria-Based Jihadi Group That Took Over Mosul? -- Erin Banco, IBTimes
Marauding ISIS militia beheading their way to Baghdad: How jihadist group so extreme even al-Qaeda has distanced itself threatens to take Iraq three years after America left -- Daily Mail
How ISIS Pulled Off A Rapid Takeover In Iraq -- Philip Ross, IBTimes
MAP: How ISIS is carving out a new country -- Washington Post
Invisible Sheikh: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, is the heir to Osama bin Laden --
How ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became the world’s most powerful jihadist leader -- Washington Post
ISIS Militants Rampage Across Iraq: What You Need to Know -- NBC
Who are Isis? A terror group too extreme even for al-Qaida -- Mark Tran, The Guardian
Iraq Crisis: Who are Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, World's Richest Terror Group? -- Ludovica Iaccino, IBTimes
ISIS Now Richest Terror Group Ever After Mosul Takeover --
ISIS just stole $425 million, Iraqi governor says, and became the ‘world’s richest terrorist group’ -- Washington Post
ISIS: The first terror group to build an Islamic state? -- Tim Lister, CNN
Isil radicals building a powerful position -- Francis Matthew, Gulf News
How effective is Isis compared with the Iraqi army and Kurdish peshmerga? -- Peter Beaumont, The Guardian
Iraq's crisis: Who's involved and what can they do about it? -- Dan Murphy, CSM
How ISIS is exploiting the economics of Syria's civil war -- Max Fisher, VOX

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