Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Iraq Jihadists On The Move As They Seize Their Second City In Two Days

Iraq Rebels Take Saddam's Home Town In Lightning Advance -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Sunni rebels from an al Qaeda splinter group overran the Iraqi city of Tikrit on Wednesday and closed in on the biggest oil refinery in the country, making further gains in their rapid military advance against the Shi'ite-led government.

The threat to the Baiji refinery comes after militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) seized the northern city of Mosul, advancing their aim of creating Sunni Caliphate straddling the border between Iraq and Syria.

The fall of Mosul, Iraq's second biggest city, is a blow to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's attempts to defeat the Sunni militants, who have regained territory in Iraq over the past year following the withdrawal of U.S. forces, seizing Falluja and parts of Ramadi west of Baghdad at the start of the year.

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More News On The Fall Of More Iraqi Cities To ISIL Jihadists

Iraq city of Tikrit falls to ISIL fighters -- Al Jazeera
Iraq crisis: al-Qaeda forces seize Mosul and Tikrit - live -- The Telegraph
Violence Escalates in Iraq as Insurgents Overrun Second Key City -- Wall Street Journal
ISIS seizes more towns in northern and central Iraq -- Long War Journal
Iraq crisis: Militants 'seize Tikrit' after taking Mosul -- BBC
Now Tikrit falls to the Islamist militants: Another Iraqi provincial capital is seized by warlord more 'virulent and violent than Bin Laden' as half a million flee Mosul -- Daily Mail
Militants make gains in Tikrit, Iraq, after Mosul takeover, police and witnesses say -- CNN
Does ISIS's rapid advance point to local Iraqi support? -- Arthur Bright, CSM

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