Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Is U.S. Defense Secretary Hagel Becoming The 'Fall Guy' For The Bergdahl - Taliban Prisoner Swap Deal?

U.S. President Barack Obama meeting with co-chairmen of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board former Senator Chuck Hagel at the White House in Washington, October 28, 2009. Photo by Reuters

Now The White House Says Hagel Made Final Call On Bergdahl As Criticism Of Obama Over Prisoner Swap Mounts -- Daily Mail

* Congress learned on Monday that Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel gave final approval for the prisoner exchange that freed Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
* Last week, Hagel said the swap was a unanimous decision made by senior officials
* Hagel is expected to defend the prisoner exchange on Wednesday in an appearance before the House Armed Services Committee

FInal approval for the prisoner exchange that freed Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was made by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, members of Congress learned on Monday from administration officials.

'They indicated (it was) Secretary Hagel (who made the final call),' Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA) said after a classified briefing, ABC points out.

'It was the president of the United States that came out (in the Rose Garden) with the Bergdahls and took all the credit and now that there’s been a little pushback he’s moving away from it and it’s Secretary Hagel?'

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More News On The White House Saying That It Was U.S. Defense Secretary Hagel Who Made The Final Call On The Bergdahl - Taliban Prisoner Swap Deal

Obama Administration: Bergdahl Was Chuck Hagel's Call -- Weekly Standard
Hagel Made Final Call on Bergdahl Swap, Congress Told -- ABC News
Full crisis mode: Obama administration now saying the Bergdahl deal was Chuck Hagel's call -- Washington Examiner
Obama finds a patsy: Sec. of Defense Hagel taking the fall for ‘bonehead Bergdahl trade’ -- Bizpac Review
Hagel to Defend Bowe Bergdahl Swap -- Wall Street Journal
Five unanswered questions on Bergdahl -- The Hill

My Comment: Oh oh .... this tells me that more dirt and controversy is about to be leaked out on the Bergdahl - Taliban prisoner swap deal .... and this is the White House's way of insulating itself from any blow-back or controversy. My guess is that we are going to find out that cash was exchanged for Bowe Bergdahl's release as well as other arrangements/agreements being made. So much for the buck stopping at President Obama's desk.


D.Plowman said...

This just in!

White House administration handed over a dozen F35's to the Taliban! Including Sam battery's and a cache of weapons including one Abrahms battle tank!

All this comes in as revelations are revealed that show Bergdahl is a distant cousin to Obama!

War News Updates Editor said...

Geee .... and I thought I was sarcastic.