Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 11, 2014

Mosul Emergency: US Considers Sending Emergency Military Aid To Iraq -- The Independent

The US government is considering sending emergency military supplies to Iraq after rebel fighters took control of Mosul, according to senior Western security sources. Supplies including Hellfire missiles and ScanEagle unmanned Drones are expected to be airlifted to the country very soon and more weaponry such as artillery may follow.

The weapons are part of a $15 billion deal between the US and the government of Nour al-Maliki, under which the Iraqi forces have already received around 80 missiles and a dozen of the unmanned observation aircraft, as it battles the Islamic State of Iraq and al Shamsin (ISIS) in the western province of Anbar.

Read more ....

Military And Intelligence News Briefs

Sunnis spread chaos in absence of U.S. security in Iraq -- Washington Times

U.S. can only encourage Iraq’s leader as ISIS seizes Mosul -- McClatchy News

Iran No Longer Fears American Military Strike -- Israel Today

US military base within Iranian striking distance, official warns -- FOX News

Dutch auditor calls for more transparency on NATO spending -- Business Recorder

Russian Corvette Successfully Tests Missile in Baltic Sea -- RIA Novosti

Putin on notice: Two U.S. stealth bombers head to Europe for first time amid tension -- Washington Times

Japan protests China fighter jets' close brush over East China Sea -- Reuters

Emirati becomes first female fighter pilot -- Al Arabiya

French Mirage Fighter Jet Crashes in Niger -- Defense News/AFP

Georgia Sends Troops To Central Africa -- Defense News/AFP

ROK surveillance caught NK drones -- Korea Times

Airbus Defence To Test-Fly Upgraded A330 Tanker in 2016 -- Defense News

Swiss Court Rules Army Wrong to Ban Extremist Recruit -- Breitbart

Former CIA Director says Iran ‘within sprinting distance’ of nuclear bomb. -- Washington Times

US Senate Democrats break ranks over White House Afghan plan -- The Hill

Lockheed sees U.S. Navy revamping naval proposal for Saudis -- Reuters

After Ukraine, U.S. trains more special forces in eastern Europe -- Reuters

US commandos get permanent Eastern European foothold -- RT

Global Hawk needs USD1.9 billion in upgrades before U-2 can retire -- IHS Jane's 360

US Navy Arms, Upgrades Fire Scout UAS -- Defense Tech

Lockheed Says It Can ‘Easily’ Improve LCS -- Breaking Defense

NSA: Our systems are so complex we can’t stop them from deleting data wanted for lawsuit -- Washington Post

The U.S. Army Says It Can Teleport Quantum Data Now, Too -- The Atlantic

SpaceX's Musk Slams US Air Force Certification Process -- Defense News

Hagel testifies Wednesday on Taliban prisoner swap -- AP

Congress: White House Acted In Haste On Bergdahl Swap -- DoD Buzz

‘Warrior princess’: First female completes Army’s jungle training as infantryman-- Washington Times

Cruiser CO, CMC canned for poor performance -- Navy Times

Pentagon believes Bergdahl was drugged in 2013 proof-of-life video -- Washington Times

2 of 5 US Special Ops Forces killed in Afghanistan identified by family representatives -- FOX News

‘Friendly fire’ long a problem in Afghan war -- Robert H. Reid, Stars and Stripes

Polar Challenge: Extreme Conditions Put High Cost on Arctic Operations -- Defense News

Remembering the code talkers: Families of Comanche Indians who took part in D-Day hold ceremony on Normandy beach to commemorate 70th anniversary of landings -- Daily Mail

What the Army’s New COIN Manual Is Missing -- Dr. Walter C. Ladwig III, Defense One

Why POW/MIA numbers dropped: Column -- Scott Sigmund Gartner, USA Today


Unknown said...

James/Mr WNU Ed, did you see this new bit of kit?

"The IDF received the Wind Shield on Wednesday, a mobile version of the Iron Dome Missile Defense System."

Based on C-RAM it seems...

War News Updates Editor said...

Thanks for the lead Mattathias. I do not know about this mobile version of the Iron Dome Missile Defense System. I will post more later.

James said...

" tracking and defense capabilities for maneuvering forces" this is a key devlopment for the IDF.