Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tales Of Executions And Terror Are Now Coming Out Of ISIS Controlled Iraq

A man is executed in a propaganda video released this morning by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant as the Al Qaeda-inspired militants continue their march towards Baghdad

'They Lined The Streets With The Decapitated Heads Of Police And Soldiers': Iraqi Refugee Reveals The Horrors Of The Jihadi Takeover As Baghdad Vows To Fight Back -- Daily Mail

* U.S. today changed tone on intervention; President Obama said: 'I don't rule out anything... Iraq will need more help'
* Crucial vote to grant emergency powers was delayed because MPs did not turn up, leaving Iraqi government paralysed
* Disruption in Iraq could add 2p to the price of a litre of petrol within a fortnight as insurgents take key oil fields
* Kurdish forces are in full control of Iraq's oil city of Kirkuk after the federal army abandoned their posts
* Iran has sent special forces and a unit of elite troops to Iraq to assist the Iraqi government halt the advance
* Iraqi air force is bombing insurgent positions in and around Mosul - 1.3million citizens still remain in the city
* Middle East experts raised the prospect of Iraq being carved into three - Kurdish, Sunni and Shi'ite - by the conflict

The decapitated heads of policeman and soldiers are lining the streets of Iraq's second biggest city, a displaced Iraqi woman has revealed today.

Speaking from a refugee camp to which she fled after jihadists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as ISIS) invaded the northern city of Mosul on Tuesday, the woman told of the horrific treatment meted out to those who do not bow to their rapidly expanding rule.

It would appear the occupation of Mosul was made easier by the fact a reported 30,000 soldiers fled, leaving behind tanks and firearms as just 800 fighters approached.

Less than 24 hours later the oil-rich city of Tikrit was captured by the militants, who then turned their attentions to the capital as it pushes ahead with its aim to overthrow the western-backed government as part of its goal to create an Islamic emirate spanning both sides of the Iraq-Syria border.

Read more ....

Update: Iraq: ISIS Advance Threatens Civilians -- Human Rights Watch

My Comment: ISIS is going to do to Iraq what they have done (and are doing) in  Syria .... expect a flood of horror stories coming out in the next few days.

1 comment:

oldfatslow said...

I know it's thin on all
of us, but for some the
veneer of civilization is
really thin. I can only
imagine the kind of
people that are drawn
to a job where the
description of the work
involves suicide missions
and decapitations.

Americans get squirrely
if they run over a squirrel.
