Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Engine In A Rusting WW2 Russian Tank Still Works

Pranksters Hotwire Rusting WW2 Tank In Ukraine But Then Get The Fright Of Their Lives When It Roars Into Life With Huge Cloud Of Black Smoke -- Daily Mail

A pair of pranksters got the shock of their lives when they climbed into a rusting old Second World War tank perched on a monument in Ukraine - and managed to get it started.

The tank was atop a memorial in Kostiantynivka, an industrial city in eastern Ukraine, when the jokers, both mechanics, clambered aboard and began poking about inside.

Built in 1943, retired in 1945, and placed on the pedestal in 1994, the mighty diesel engine stunned the mechanics when it roared into life after they bent some wires in the ignition and played around with them.

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My Comment: Wow .... they don't make tanks like they use to. On a side note .... not everyone is saying that this tank was started as a prank .... the media in Russia is saying that it was pro-Russian separatists who tried to start this tank so that they can then use it against Ukrainian forces.

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