Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The ISIS - Islamic State Map Of The World

Caliphate: A map purportedly showing the areas ISIS plans to have under its control within five years has been widely shared online. As well as the Middle East, North Africa and large areas of Asia, it also reveals ISIS' ambition to extend into Europe. Spain, which was Muslim-ruled until the late 15th Century, would form part of the caliphate, as would the Balkan states and eastern Europe, up to and including Austria

The ISIS Map Of The World: Militants Outline Chilling Five-Year Plan For Global Domination As They Declare Formation Of Caliphate - And Change Their Name To The Islamic State -- Daily Mail

* Sunni militants have announced formation of Islamic state in Middle East
* They demand Muslims around the world swear allegiance to the caliphate
* Claim leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi now has authority over all Muslims
* Group has also now changed its name from ISIS to just the Islamic State
* Announcement described as 'most significant development in international jihadism since 9/11'.

ISIS has formally declared the establishment of a caliphate, or Islamic state, in the vast stretches of the Middle East that have fallen under its control, and has outlined a vision to expand into Europe.

The announcement was described as the 'most significant development in international jihadism since 9/11'.

Upon declaring a caliphate, the Sunni militants - whose brutality in attempting to establish control in Iraq and Syria has been branded too extreme even by Al Qaeda - demanded allegiance from Muslims around the world.

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My Comment: They are ambitious ....if not delusional.


James said...

"They are ambitious ....if not delusional." I'm sure people said the same thing about Thutmose, Darius, Alexander, Scipio, Pompey, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, etc. But then again the roll call of people with the same designs, but never made it and were never heard of, is much much longer.

War News Updates Editor said...

True .... the dreamers are the ones who shape the world. Both good and bad.

D.Plowman said...

They may be delusional, but they are driven. That's enough to consider them a viable threat and something that needs to be dealth with.

Yet the world will dally and sit on its ass before they realize just how much of a danger it is.