Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How Many Aircraft Carriers Are Enough?

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan and two ships from the Indian Navy's Western Fleet sail in formation during a passing exercise. Spike Call/U.S. Navy

In Era Of Tight Budgets, How Many Aircraft Carriers Are Enough? -- Jon Harper, Stars and Stripes

WASHINGTON — Aircraft carriers are perhaps the most powerful expression of U.S. military might. They’re also expensive and potentially vulnerable. In an era of fiscal constraint, defense officials, lawmakers and the commander in chief must answer a question that could have enormous strategic consequences: How many are enough?

Adm. Jonathan Greenert, the Chief of Naval Operations, believes he knows the answer.

“We need 11, when you add [combatant commander requirements] with the contingencies that we are tasked to respond to, in the time that we have to respond, and the capabilities that we have out there. ... And so when I look out into the future, we need at least 11 carriers,” he told reporters last month.

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My Comment: China's goal is to have 3-4 aircraft carriers .... and to use these ships to enhance China's position as the regional superpower in Asia. The U.S. is probably heading the same pathway .... 2-3 aircraft carriers on both coasts, and acting as a regional superpower that may send one aircraft carrier group to Asia/Europe or the Middle East once in a while.

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