Friday, June 20, 2014

Ukraine Civil War -- News Updates June 20, 2014

As Ukraine Announces Cease-Fire, White House Points Finger At Russia -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — On a day that the Ukrainian government announced a unilateral cease-fire in its battle with separatists in the country’s east, the Obama administration raised the stakes with Russia, accusing the Kremlin of continuing to covertly arm the rebels.

A spokesman for the Ukrainian military, Vladislav Seleznyov, said the cease-fire would begin at 10 p.m. local time. Ukraine’s new president, Petro O. Poroshenko, has stressed that the plan hinges on the sealing of the porous border with Russia, to prevent the flow of fighters and arms.

There was no immediate reaction from separatist leaders, but in recent days they have reacted skeptically to the idea of a cease-fire, and many have already said they have no intention of putting down their weapons.

Read more ....

Ukraine Civil War -- News Updates June 20, 2014

More fighting in east Ukraine, as Kiev says Moscow giving military aid to rebels -- CSM
New battles as Ukraine says 300 separatists killed in fighting -- Reuters
Seven Ukrainian soldiers killed and 30 injured in fighting in the east -- The Guardian
7 Ukrainian troops killed in overnight fighting -- AP
Ukraine says regains control of Russia border -- Al Jazeera
Independence Supporters, Ukrainian Army Fighting Near Russian Border -- RIA Novosti
Ukraine: Heavy fighting in east as NATO accuses Russia of new border build-up -- Euronews
Rebels beg Russia for help as Ukraine fighting rages -- USA Today
Ukraine Crisis: Kiev Seizes 'Russian Armoured Vehicle' as Details of Poroshenko Peace Plan Are Unveiled -- Business Insider
Ukraine conflict: Inside crisis-hit towns of Donetsk and Luhansk -- BBC
In Parts of East Ukraine, a Daily Struggle to Survive -- Newsweek/Reuters
These Images Show How Hard Daily Life Has Gotten In Ukraine's War-Torn East -- Business Insider
Russia redeploying more troops along Ukraine border, U.S. officials say -- Washington Post
Ukraine Wants A Ceasefire — Russia Is Sending A Bunch Of Tanks Into Ukraine -- Business Insider
Russian checkpoint on Ukraine border comes under fire -- RT
Russia Denies NATO Claims of Troops on Ukraine's Border -- Reuters
Kremlin Says No Russian Military Buildup Near Ukraine, Only Enhanced Border Security -- RIA Novosti
Putin Discusses Southeastern Ukraine Crisis with Russia's Security Council -- RIA Novsoti
US Imposes Sanctions Against Leaders of Self-Proclaimed Republics of Luhansk, Donetsk -- RIA Novosti
US Issues New Sanctions Against 7 Ukraine Rebels -- AP


James said...

To call a short unilateral cease-fire usually means you're losing and need breather. It's also great PR for those who don't know any better.

War News Updates Editor said...

The ceasefire collapsed even before it started. I am now hearing reports of border skirmishes between Russian border guards and (who knows?). Russia is also disputing reports that it supports the Ukrainian President's ceasefire order .... in fact Russian media is labeling the ceasefire as an ultimatum. What is also more worrisome is that I am now hearing from my friends in Russia that a decision has been made to supply the rebels with even more heavy weapons (tanks, artillery, portable missiles).

Rhaegar said...

Poroshenko alerady broke the ceasefire, shelling has resumed in Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. Are he stupid and want war with Russia?
2. There are more Russian tanks crossing into Lugansk and Donetsk. There are unconirmed report of Russian helicopters flying towards Lugansk. Perhaps they are dropping of supplies and troops. Ukraine altso shelled an Russian border post and Russia demands an exsplanation and apologies. Is this wait and see aproach. Becase in my eyes i think Russia is going to invade because why send exspensive military material to pro-Russian seperatist if they dont want Eastern Ukraine. Read that some Russian soldiers have dressed up in Ukrainian uniforms and crossed the border, is it confirmed?
Have Poroshenkos peach plan failed or is it stil hope?
Are the pro-Russians stil losing land or have they began retaking some of the border since i know Ukrain dosent have taken it over completaly. Because then how did the Russian tanks cross the border? Read unconfirmed reports and some of them says that the pro-Russian have retaken som of the border and the Ukrainien National guard have suffer heavy losses. The battles are now in bigger scales so i ecspect causalties to rise. Are the pro Russians stil getting support from the people in Eastern Ukraine? Read in RT that 500 miners joined the pro Russian militia and are fighting for Doentsk Peoples Republic. But have heard from some pro Ukrainians that the pro Russians are seen as bandits by the peope in Donetsk and very few are meeting in rallys is that confirmed or not?
If the ATO succeds storming Slaviansk and Donetsk wil there be many causalties? If they do so wil Russia invade or is Russia alerady preparing for an invation of Ukraine?
Thats all of my questions that i think are important. Am going to repost this to another Ukraine post if you dont notice it. I dont know how you get notified of comments, must you check manualy or do you get notified?

War News Updates Editor said...

1) Poroshenko is new to the job. He also does not have a history of negotiating and compromising .... and what Ukraine now needs is someone who will negotiate and compromise.

2) I am being told that Russia has stepped up supplying weapons to the pro-Russian separatists. I have not heard of Russian helicopters flying into Ukraine.

Russian soldiers dressing up as Ukrainian soldiers would be stupid. Eastern Ukraine is very dangerous for Ukrainian soldiers .... the pro-Russian militias are everywhere and snipers are always on the lookout for small units of Ukrainian soldiers. In fact .... i am hearing that the Ukrainian soldiers stay mostly at their bases, and when they do go out it is always in force.

3) Poroshenko's peace plan is dead.

4) The Russian - Ukraine border is incredibly long and impossible to defend. Much of eastern Ukraine is now ruled by militias .... but there is really no central authority. There are no longer any rallys because it is too dangerous to now have them.

5) I do not see Russia invading Ukraine .... but I now do see them sending more weapons and permitting Russian "volunteers" to enter Ukraine.

As to how I am notified when I get a comment a comment on this blog .... to keep my costs low I am no longer notified on my cell phone when someone comments on this blog. I get about 100 - 200 emails a day, and it would be impossible for me to answer them on my cell phone (and expensive). I always check my email every few hours .... so if you make a comment or send me an email .... I usually respond very quickly or a few hours later.

The time that I spend on this blog is always the same. From Monday to Friday I am working in my home office from 7:30 EST to about 17:00 EST. (EST is Montreal, Canada time) I have a few interruptions, but I am never far away from my computer. I have other projects that take a lot of my time .... but I am always making sure that I post about 25 news/defense/war stories per day for this blog. I do post some stories on Saturday and Sunday ... but not too many. The weekend is my family, reading, socializing, and rest time.