Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ukraine Claims That Russian Tanks Have Crossed The Ukraine Border

Russia Sent In Three Tanks And Armoured Military Vehicles To Help Pro-Russian Rebels, Claims Ukraine's Interior Minister -- Daily Mail

* Interior Minister Arseny Avakov said tanks entered Ukraine through checkpoint controlled by pro-Russian separatists in the Luhansk region
* Russia has denied aiding the separatists, who have taken control of several towns and cities in mainly Russian-speaking east Ukraine
* President Vladimir Putin has also promised to tighten controls at borders

Ukraine's interior minister has accused Russia of allowing three tanks and other military vehicles to cross the border to help pro-Russain separatists.

Arseny Avakov has said the tanks entered eastern Ukraine through a checkpoint controlled by rebels in the Luhansk region.

Russia did not immediately respond to the accusations but Reuters correspondents have reported seeing three tanks in the border town of Snizhnye in east Ukraine.

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More News On Ukraine Claims That Russian Tanks Have Crossed The Ukraine Border

Interior Minister Claims Three Russian Tanks Invade Ukraine -- Epoch Times/AP
Kiev says three Russian tanks entered east Ukraine -- BBC
Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Sending In Tanks -- Yahoo News/SKY News
Russia let tanks into eastern Ukraine to aid separatists, Kiev alleges -- Globe and Mail/AP
Ukraine Says Rebel Tanks That Crossed Over From Russia -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Ukraine Crisis: Three Russian Tanks Cross Shared Border -- IBTimes

My Comment: The above video footage has been uploaded to YouTube of a Russian tank moving through the town of Snizhne. It has not been verified by independent sources.


Rhaegar said...

If this is true wil there be war betwen Russia and Ukraine?

Am a bit confused on what Putin wants.
Because he tries to solve the conflict with diplomacy but still there are weapons and people coming from the Russian border. Donersk have more tanks who i think come from Russia. Have you any thoughts on what Putin/Russia wants to happen with Ukraine?
3. Its a bit unclear for me to see who has the momentum so far. What are your friends and family telling you?
Are the pro-russians suported by the people of the east?
Can Poroshenko solve this crisis with a dialogue?
Are Poroshenko corrupt? Read that he gave some pro Kiev oligarcs control over some cities.
Thats mu qustions for today hope you can answar them. Have been a bit confused about this crisis and you give me very good info about this crisis, therfore i ask so many qustions to you War news editor. Hope i dont waste your time if so just say it i i will stop asking questions. Thanks for covering this crisis and all the conflicts in the world hope you wil continue. You have my support:)

War News Updates Editor said...

You can ask all the questions that you want. If I have time .... I will try my best to answer them.

1) I doubt that there will be war between Russia and Ukraine. But if the situation get's worse .... anything will be possible.

2) Everyone is waiting to see what the new Ukraine President will do .... Russia is giving him an opportunity.

3) No one has the momentum right now. The rebels are too disorganized and the Ukraine military is too weak.

4) Pro-Russian sentiment is very strong in the eastern part of Ukraine.

5) Poroshenko does not strike me as someone who compromises through dialogue. We will know in the next few weeks if he is a good negotiator.

6) According to Wikileaks .... US diplomats regarded Poroshenko as one of the worse oligarchs in Ukraine 6-7 years ago. I would certainly not trust him .... but he is the new president and he should be given the chance to fix this mess. I give him 6 months, and after that we will know if he has been successful or not.