Monday, June 23, 2014

U.S. And British Governments Choose To Ignore Intelligence Reports Warning Of An Impending Isis-Baathist Offensive In Iraq

Britain And US 'Neglected Alert To Iraq Jihadist Takeover’ -- Richard Spencer, The Telegraph

Head of Kurdish intelligence in Iraq says MI6 and CIA were warned of impending Isis-Baathist attack on Mosul and Baghdad but British and US governments failed to act.

MI6 and the CIA were handed intelligence outlining the planned takeover of northern Iraq by jihadists and their allies five months ago but the British and American governments failed to act on it, senior officials in Iraq have told The Telegraph.

The head of intelligence for the autonomous Kurdish regional government, which has links with the West, said he had repeatedly tried to send warnings both to the central government in Baghdad and to its allies, Britain and America.

But despite repeated attempts to impress on Washington and London the seriousness of the unfolding situation, he said there was no response from either government.

Read more ....

My Comment: If this report is true .... that both the CIA and MI6 repeatedly warned government officials and politicians of an impending Isis-Baathist offensive in Iraq 5 months ago .... but were ignored .... changes the narrative of this being an intelligence failure to that of a massive political failure. This is a damning report on both the White House and 10 Downing Street .... and it is a must read. My gut feeling is telling me that President Obama was warned about this 5 months ago .... but choose to ignore it not wanting to do anything anyway. Ditto for British Prime Minister Cameron.


phill said...

Tax payers money being spent for nothing....hope someone's listing next time it might save lives.

James said...

"Richard Barrett said the hundreds returning were an “absolute nightmare” for security services. He added that they did not have the resources to be able to look at all of them." But they have the ability to monitor all our personal electronic activity.