Wednesday, June 11, 2014

U.S. Intelligence: 4 Of The ‘Taliban 5’ Will Likely Return To The Battlefield

Department of Defense

4 of ‘Taliban 5’ Will Likely Fight Again, U.S. Spies Say -- Eli Lake & Kimberly Dozier, Daily Beast

Obama’s top intelligence officers warned that four out of the five Taliban prisoners swapped for Bowe Bergdahl would return to the battlefield.

A top intelligence official told lawmakers in a classified Senate briefing last week that he expected four out of the five Taliban leaders released by the Obama administration to eventually return to the battlefield.

According to a pair of U.S. officials, the briefing from Robert Cardillo, a deputy director of national intelligence, represented the latest community-wide U.S. intelligence assessment on these Taliban Five, completed in 2013.

It also means that President Obama was faced with a particularly excruciating choice as he weighed whether or not to swap these five for American hostage Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. The government of Qatar, which agreed to look after the five Taliban leaders as part of the deal for Bergdahl, warned that factions within the Taliban were growing impatient, and campaigning to kill Bergdahl instead of trading him.

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My Comment: Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and US Secretary of Defense Hagel have a different point of view. See here and here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sure Hagel and Hillary have a different point of view. But are those point of views honestly arrived at or are the spin and wishful thinking?

I think one of the biggest problems with politicians or anybody is they don't have FU money (take this job job and shove it money).

“You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas” -Davy Crockett

If they could get jobs as lawyers make $100k or $200k with no problems after electoral defeat and if they could run the next cycle without looking like yesterday's news, I think more of them would act more statesmen-like.

I don't want to compare us to other primates, but I will. When a chimp loses a position of power its' testosterone level falls. It is hard on the chimp. So even if a congressman or other politician land a job, will keep the house and will feed the family the loss of face, status and other stuff terrifies them.

So my point is that they will do whatever they need to do to stay in power. they will lie, spin, compromise or flip flop.

Hillary will spin because she wants a job in 2016 in the power establishment. Same goes for Hagel. The job cannot be a sideways move. It has to be a step up.

Aside form fear of losing power, they want the tombstone to look good too.

They are all that and a bag of chips.