Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Where ISIS Is Gaining Control In Iraq And Syria (Map)

After Capture Of Mosul, Militants Extend Control In Iraq -- New York Times

BAGHDAD — Sunni militants who overran the northern Iraqi city of Mosul as government forces crumbled in disarray extended their reach in a lightning advance on Wednesday, pressing south toward Baghdad. They occupied facilities in the strategic oil refining town of Baiji and seized the city of Tikrit with little resistance, security officials and residents said.

By late Wednesday there were unconfirmed reports that the Sunni militants, many aligned with the radical Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, were battling loyalist forces at the northern entrance to the city of Samarra, about 70 miles north of Baghdad. The city is known for a sacred Shiite shrine that was bombed in 2006, during the height of the American-led occupation, touching off bitter sectarian mayhem between the Sunni minority and Shiite majority.

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My Comment: Looking at this map .... wow .... that is a lot of territory that is now controlled by ISIS.

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