Thursday, July 3, 2014

Are U.S. Advisers Working With Ukraine's Scurity Forces In The Fight Against Pro-Russian Rebels In East Ukraine?

Ukraine's president Poroshenko visits National guard HQ in Donetsk Region. © President of the Ukraine Press-Service

US Advisors Design Strategy for Kiev – Russian Security Council -- RIA Novsoti

MOSCOW, July 2 (RIA Novosti) – Advisors from the United States are actively working in Ukraine and developing Kiev’s strategy, Russian Deputy Security Council Secretary Evgeny Lukyanov told RIA Novosti Wednesday.

“We could say without a doubt that we’re not just talking about American mercenaries, but also intensive activities on Ukrainian territory by the so-called advisors from Washington. I’m referring to US specialists in the reconnaissance field and law enforcement bodies,” Lukyanov said in an interview.

Read more ....

My Comment: I am very doubtful of these claims. The U.S. is giving political support and some economic/military assistance .... but helping design a strategy for Kiev on how to handle the insurrection in the east .... no. And even if the U.S. had advisers in Kiev whose sole responsibility was to give advice .... knowing the mindset of those who are now running the Kiev government .... they will politely listen but they will act according to what they think is best .... not what some U.S. adviser may think is best.


James said...

Compare this to the video heading your 6/21f/14 post.

War News Updates Editor said...

You have an excellent eye (and memory) James .... the photo is a recycled one.