Sunday, July 6, 2014

Does CNN Know What Is Really Happening In Ukraine?

Lost Again: CNN Map Places E. Ukraine’s Slavyansk In… Crimea? -- RT

CNN, already infamous for its embarrassing geography goof-ups, has mistakenly relocated the Eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk in an infographic – all the way to the Crimea peninsula.

The American network was reporting Saturday on the Kiev military forcing out the self-defense troops out of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, the cities in Ukraine’s Donetsk region that used to be their strongholds for a while. In a lead-in to the report, the TV channel showed a map – where Slavyansk was moved hundreds of kilometers away from its actual location, to Crimea, a peninsula that rejoined Russia in March.

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My Comment: When Russian Television has to lecture an America broadcaster like CNN on accuracy in reporting (and RT is actually right in their criticism) .... sighhhh .... that is when you know there is a problem in CNN. But on a serious note .... the main beef that I have on the U.S. media is not what they are reporting on .... but on what they are ignoring. Case in point .... the indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets in eastern Ukraine is receiving extensive coverage in Europe and elsewhere .... but in the U.S. .... zero if anything. In this context .... putting up an incorrect map is minor when compared to the bigger story.


James said...

Yeah, but they're self-esteem is fantastic!

War News Updates Editor said...

It is a job requirement for all TV anchors and reporters.