Thursday, July 3, 2014

Does The White House Need A Fence Around It?

Krauthammer: "If Fences Don't Work, Why Is There One Around The White House?" -- Real Clear Politics

BILL O'REILLY: How do you secure the border, Charles?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Alright, here's what I've been on for years. You start with a fence. It's very simple. People say, 'Oh, fences don't work. You make a ladder.' Well, then you build two fences, triple strand fences. San Diego did that in the mid 90's and within a decade, the illegal immigration rate at that point was reduced by 90% and people ended up going through other places like Arizona.

Read more ....

My Comment: I am not an American .... so I am an outsider looking in. In my own case .... I immigrated to Canada LEGALLY! I am proud of my Canadian citizenship. I follow the rule of law to the letter .... and I expect others to do the same. Why America permits having an open border is beyond me .... and why America supports the politicians who support having an open border .... is even more of a mystery to me.

And yes .... the White House has a fence around it in order to keep us out.


Unknown said...

I tried to get my spouse to have her sibling's family immigrate illegally.

That is not my normal mode. But I see 12 or more million people do so and thousands if not millions of supposedly upstanding citizens are okay with it because they get something. They get union members, voters, parishioners or something.

My spouse refuses.

Unknown said...

The White House has a fence to slow you down for a few seconds while the security team keeps you out, and to isolate a target dashing in from the crowds just looking at the building.

In a space as bit as the Arizona/Texas deserts, it's a waste. If you don't have Border Patrol coming by all the time, people will get past it. If you do have Border Patrol coming by all the time, it's unnecessary.

War News Updates Editor said...

I concur Dan. I grew up in the old Soviet Union .... and with the exception of Berlin and the East - West German borders .... we did not have a fence. But if anyone approached the border .... to leave or enter .... the border guards were there in a jiffy .... and they were never polite.