Tuesday, July 29, 2014

EU And The US Impose A New Round Of Sanctions On Russia

Europe Unveils 'Tough' New Sanctions On Russia, Including Arms Embargo - But They WON'T Block French Deal To Sell Warships To Moscow -- Daily Mail

* Arms embargo will only apply to future contracts, meaning sale will go ahead
* But it will block 3billion euros worth of Russian arms sales to Europe a year
* Russian state-owned banks banned from issuing long-term debt in Europe
* Eight more Russians also face asset freezes and travel bans in Europe
* Fresh sanctions announced as John Kerry meets Ukraine's foreign minister
* Mr Kerry says Russia is 'leaving the international community with no choice'

Russia will face sweeping new sanctions in response to its alleged support of rebel militants in east Ukraine, European Union diplomats said today.

The 28-nation bloc has imposed an arms embargo, banking curbs and a ban on trade in sensitive and dual-use technologies to punish Russia for its actions in its neighbouring country.

Two diplomats told the Associated Press the measures were decided today at a meeting of EU ambassadors. A further eight Russians will also face asset freezes and travel bans.

Read more ....

More News On The EU And The US Imposing A New Round Of Sanctions On Russia

U.S., EU hit Russia with more sanctions as Ukraine fighting continues -- CNN
EU and U.S. announce new sanctions on Russia over Ukraine -- Reuters
U.S. Targets Russian Energy, Arms, Finance Sectors With New Sanctions -- Wall Street Journal
Ukraine conflict: US and EU widen sanctions on Russia -- BBC
Obama Announces The Most Punishing Sanctions Yet On Russia — Says They'll Have A 'Bigger Bite' -- Business Insider
U.S., Europe hit Russia with new sanctions -- USA Today
Obama joins EU in announcing expanded economic sanctions against Russia -- FOX News
US imposing new sanctions against Russia’s energy, financial, defense sectors - Obama -- ITAR-TASS
EU and US impose new round of sanctions on Russia over Ukraine -- RT
EU sectoral sanctions against Russia to take effect July 31 -- ITAR-TASS


Rhaegar said...

This will have consequenses for the long term relationship with Russia. Will there be retaliation or will Putin ignore this?
Will the sanctions have a strong enaught impact to deter Russia?
What will be Russias response to this and that Ukraine have used balistic missiles against the pro-Russians? What can Russia do? I do not know their arsonal, what does Russia today different than the Soviet Union in crises?

War News Updates Editor said...

1) There will be consequences. My next post will answer this question.

2) It will not deter Russia on what it is doing in Ukraine.

3) The use of ballistic missiles has surprised everyone. Even the Russians are surprised. This escalates and elevates this conflict to an entirely different level. I suspect that Moscw is looking at it's options right now.

James said...

The use of the missiles (and the new sanctions) probably means they are either losing or close to a stalemate.