Monday, July 14, 2014

Pentagon Report Paints A 'Gloomy Picture' Of The Iraqi Army And Strongly Advises Against Sending U.S. Advisers

Shi'ite volunteers, who have joined the Iraqi army to fight against militants. US advisers in Iraq risk assassination by troops they are trying to train, according to a classified report

US Advisers In Iraq Risk Assassination By Troops They Are Trying To Train, Claims Classified Report -- Daily Mail

* Many units are deeply infiltrated by Sunni informants or Shiite personnel
* The threat are the extremists backed by Iran, according to US officials
* Up to 300 special operations forces to deployed in the country

US advisers in Iraq risk assassination by troops they are trying to train, according to a classified report.

Americans who are assigned to advise Baghdad’s forces could be at risk because so many units are deeply infiltrated by either Sunni extremist informants or Shiite personnel backed by Iran, the report by United States detailed.

If the US does decide to assist in moving back the the advances made by Sunni militants in northern and western Iraq over the past month, the assessment concludes that only about half of Iraq’s operational units are able to carry out the push.

Read more ....

More News On The Pentagon Report That Paints A 'Gloomy Picture' Of The Iraqi Army

U.S. Sees Risks in Assisting a Compromised Iraqi Force -- New York Times
Military assessment says Iraqi units infiltrated by ISIS, Iran-backed militiamen, report claims -- FOX News
Pentagon report warns of security risks for US advisers in Iraq -- The Hill
Military Concludes That the United States Is Between a Rock and a Hard Place in Iraq -- Ben Mathis-Lilley, The Slate
Should the U.S. Send Military Advisers to Iraq? -- US News and World Report

My Comment: In short .... if the above reports of this still secret Pentagon report are true .... the Iraqi army has become a military force that is divided along sectarian lines and will target U.S. advisers who are sent there because of who they are (i.e. American soldiers).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Shiites need sufficient number of military units trained is a short amount of time to hold territory or push back ISIS.

ISIS has a world wide recruiting pool made up of the 85% or so of Muslims who are Sunni and converts.

The Shia do not have all the time in the world.

Shooting instructors slows down or stops the training. Can Iran fill the void?

Iran has not even able to save Syria yet. They may be able to save it. But so far it has taken 3 years and there is no victory only the slight but growing promise of one. Now the battlefield has spread to Lebanon and Iraq.

If Iran gets involved in Saudi Arabia, the battlefield will spread there and to Pakistan, Afghanistans and Azebaijan. The Azerbaijan would very much like to have the parts of Iran where there is a large Azeri presence.

If the Saudis have unrest in the eastern provinces, I would play the Azeri card if I were them.

Someone said the Iranians gave weapons to Sunni, and Shia after 2003, because they though they could operate in chaos better than the Americans. The last scene of the movie Point Break comes to mind. I won't cry for them.