Monday, July 14, 2014

The US Sends Military is Still Sending Out Draft Notices .... But To Men Born In The 1800s

US Sends Military Draft Notices To Men Born In The 1800s -- BBC

The agency that manages the dormant US military draft has apologised after sending conscription registration notices to men born in the late 1800s.

The Selective Service System (SSS) said the error occurred after a clerk neglected to select the century in a search for newly eligible young men.

It sent 14,250 notices to Pennsylvania men born 1893-97 in addition to 1993-97 before discovering the error.

The men are all almost certainly dead, as the youngest would be 117.

Male US citizens must register for the draft shortly after their 18th birthdays and all male immigrants between ages 18-25 must register.

But the draft has not been in effect since the Vietnam War, and the US military is now an entirely volunteer force.

Read more ....

My Comment: I always find how bureaucracies work to be amazing.

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