Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Photo Has Been Released Showing NSA Leaker Edward Snowden With Then CIA DIA Director General Hayden Wearing Tuxedos

That Time Edward Snowden And Gen. Michael Hayden Took A Photo Together — Wearing Smiles And Tuxedos -- Washington Post

Wired has published a massive profile of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. And while it’s worth a read in its entirety, there’s one photo from the story that has already emerged as a standout.

Yes. Snowden is on the left, and former National Security Agency and CIA chief Michael Hayden is on the right.

Both are smiling. They are together. In tuxedos.

According to Wired, here is what Snowden was doing in 2011:

Even as his faith in the mission of US intelligence services continued to crumble, his upward climb as a trusted technical expert proceeded. In 2011 he returned to Maryland, where he spent about a year as Dell’s lead technologist working with the CIA’s account. “I would sit down with the CIO of the CIA, the CTO of the CIA, the chiefs of all the technical branches,” he says. “They would tell me their hardest technology problems, and it was my job to come up with a way to fix them.”

Read more ....

My Comment: I do not know what type of access he had (with the exception of what he says since the CIA is saying nothing) .... but a picture always says a thousand words.


Unknown said...

A high ranking officer is always going to take pictures with the troops singly or in groups unless there is something known to be wrong with them.

If they didn't, they would be castigated as being aloof, superior or something.

Jimmy Carter took a picture with John Wayne Gacy. Jimmy Carter had no ideal of what Mr Gacy was. I do not admire Mr Carter, but that picture is not one of his faults.

just my 2 cents

War News Updates Editor said...

I agree Aizino. I have a picture somewhere where I am standing beside former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev in the Kremlin, one with Gorbachev, one with Boris Yeltsin, 2 with Putin, and a whole bunch with former Russian President Medvedev. I also have a picture where I am with Arnold Schwarzenegger at the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic in Cleveland in the early 1990s (that's a long story). But my most prized photos are one with Deng Xiaoping (which always impresses my Chinese friends) and one with the Dalai Lama .... all taken in the mid-1080s. But there are two pictures that I wished I had .... pics with the men that I admired the most .... former President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II.

James said...

I'm in a hurry, again. But this photo is less than impressive for many reasons beyond stated in the above comments.
At the least there is no background always suspicious. More later.

War News Updates Editor said...

I am looking forward to your comments. But it is true .... most pictures (like the one with Edward Snowden and CIA Director Hayden) are just photo ops done at the moment that will just be a souvenir. I know in my case that's what they are .... but ... it's still cool to have them. When I have the time I will dig into my storage boxes and post some of these pics in the future.

James said...

Yes, I agree it could be the souvenir pic with on of the troops, but the article states clearly it was at a gala. This is said without a shred of proof and without any description of said gala. I am not an image expert, but it strikes me that the photo above could easily be an alteration.

James said...

This is a strange world my friends and the truth is exceedingly elusive creature, case in point this site. I have no earthly idea whether WNU or any other commenter here is who they present themselves to be. This could also be said about me. We all have to take some things on faith and I do so in this case.

War News Updates Editor said...

Definitely James ... I know how you feel.

This blog has always been a means for me to aggregate the news and to be open for comment. In the beginning I started this "project" to work on my crummy English .... and if I had a visitor or two per day I was happy .... and if they left a comment .... I was touched by the recognition.

Yup .... after traveling and working for God knows how long ..... and being tired from everything .... especially politics and current events ... and then making the decision to stay put in Canada ... this blog has evolved into a means for me to have a unique and open window to the world. In return .... I do not judge those who visit here .... I never have. I have always looked at what they say (if they give a comment) .... and if they add to the discussion .... to give praise.

Nothing more .... nothing less. No harm .... no foul.

60,000 blog posts later. 4,000,000 visitors, 10,000,000 page views. Comments from politicians, generals, soldiers, intelligence officers, reporters, entertainment figures, business and policy makers, and regular folks like you and me .... it's been quite a journey.

In a way .... it is kind of overwhelming. I regard myself as a very minor person in the scheme of life who now lives in Canada and who is enjoying a very simple life. But I do recognize that I have been very lucky. I have met a number of unique people in my work and travels .... but nothing substantive .... just being in the right place knowing the right people. And while I do not know what tomorrow may bring .... I do know that I still enjoy doing this blog .... and my regret is that I wish that I had more time to dedicate myself to it.

James said...

Not so fast my Cyrillic compadre! Discreet inquiries to the Franzia Corp. has revealed disturbing reports of large purchases of their fine vintage in the Laurentian area of Canada, this has been duly noted.

War News Updates Editor said...

OH NO!!!! I am being tracked.

Seriously .... my brother just arrived from San Francisco .... and he is eating up all of my time .... as well as criticizing my depleted wine stock while drinking it.

I should move to Australia.

War News Updates Editor said...

It just hit me.

Franzia .....


James said...