Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Afghan Soldiers Have Been Ordered To Take No Prisoners

Captured Taliban insurgents and their weapons are presented to the media in Ghazni province December 19, 2011. Mustafa Andaleb/REUTERS

As Taliban Push Quickens, Afghan Troops Ordered: Take No Prisoners -- Reuters

(Reuters) - As U.S. forces withdraw from Afghanistan, the battlefield they leave behind is changing dramatically and becoming more deadly.

No longer pinned down by U.S. air cover, Taliban fighters are attacking Afghan military posts in larger numbers with the aim of taking and holding ground, a shift from the hit-and-run strikes with posses of gunmen, explosives and suicide bombers.

Struggling to hold the insurgents back, the riposte from commanders of the Afghan security forces has been clear: across the country, they are now telling their men to kill captured Taliban fighters instead of taking prisoners.

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My Comment: With U.S. forces leaving .... the Afghan military has clearly been told to get ready for heavy combat. As to the order "take no prisoners" .... this is just another indication on how brutal the Afghan war is quickly becoming .... and a complete repudiation of soon to be gone President Karzai in his efforts to make peace with the Taliban.


Rhaegar said...

I have trained today also james. 4 situps 3 push ups 10 seconds plank and i and my friend walked the same rute that we walked yesterday, but we walked a bit faster. And after the walk i discussed politics with a communist in 5 hours. I am tired and i think my muscels are going to hurt tommorow. But one of the frusttating thing with the discussion was all the writing. I think i wrote 10 pages of text in total. My fingers are very tired and me and the communist dident come to an agreement but it was fun for us both. He was Nowegian so i dedent needed to write in english. But he is the first communist who is a fan of north kora and juche. He said that they were against nukes and that people love Kim Jong Un so mutch that all the men has the same hairstyle as him. That was new but it was a fun discussion between a random norwegian communist and me.

James said...

Alright Rhaegar,
Now this is important, don't try to do too much all at once. Stay with a daily increase of 1 per exercise. Now at your age it usually takes about 5 to 7 days to get over the first hurdle. On your walking, a little farther is better than a little faster. You want to do the things the same way so you understand the improvements as they happen.

Get some rest, and tomorrow,
Five and Four,
and a 100 meters more.

Rhaegar said...

I have free on wensdays and satursays i and my friend agred on that so i have some days to rest on. But thank you for the tips. It is okey with rest days? I asked my friend about it he said it was smart to rest one or two days in a week is that right?

James said...

No, I don't agree in this case where your doing it in small. increments every day, but it's up to you Rhaegar. I will tell you this, your biggest enemy is mental. Telling yourself you need to rest when it's not true is very seductive and must be resisted. Like I said, it's up to you. Good luck whatever you decide.