Over 400 Ukrainian Troops Cross Into Russia For Refuge -- RT
More than 400 Ukrainian troops have been allowed to cross into Russia after requesting sanctuary. It’s the largest, but not the first, case of desertion into Russia by Ukrainian soldiers involved in Kiev’s military crackdown in the east of the country.
According to the Rostov Region’s border guard spokesman Vasily Malaev, a total of 438 soldiers, including 164 Ukrainian border guards, have been allowed into Russia on Sunday night.
One of the Ukrainians was seriously injured on his arrival in Russia. He was taken to the hospital for surgery, the officials added.
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More News On Reports Of Mass Defections Of Ukrainian Soldiers
Over 400 Ukrainian Military Personnel Request Refugee Status in Russia -- RIA Novosti
Hundreds of Ukrainian troops cross into Russia -- CBS/AP
Russia says 400 Ukrainian soldiers seek refuge -- Zee News
My Comment: As I have repeatedly mentioned in this blog .... as the civil war grinds on in eastern Ukraine, morale among many Ukrainian soldiers is going down. Supply problems coupled with the fact that many do not even want to be involved in this fight .... is causing widespread discipline problems and .... as we saw today .... high desertion rates.I still believe that the core of the Ukrainian army is intact and they will launch a major attack against the rebel strongholds in Lugansk and Donetsk .... but the generals in Kiev must realize that time is not on their side and that a quick and major victory is far more preferable than a long drawn out conflict that will be particularly brutal when the winter begins.
The Kiev generals are in a bind, aren't they? If they don't attack they face desertion and the onset of winter in the face of Russia's gas embargo and their imploding economy. If they attack Donetsk and Lugansk in a full frontal assault they run a high risk of direct Russian intervention. What to do...negotiate maybe?
This crisis can only be solved if all sides sit down and talk. Compromise and respecting each side's point of view is a must. Unfortunately .... I have trouble seeing that happening right now.
I have read that the Azov battalion has entered Donetsk and the city is encirceled. Is the Azov battalion strong enouth to take Donetsk? They attack from th north is what euromaidan is saying.
How strong is the pro government millitias?
I have read that the Azov battalion have some neo-Nazis in it, what impact will they have?
1) The Ukraine military and their militias are on the outskirts of the city .... but Donetsk is a big city that encompasses a huge area. Being in one place does not mean that you have entered the city center.
2) The pro-rebels are nowhere near the strength of the Ukraine military .... but they know the area and they are employing asymmetrical warfare against the Ukraine military.
3) Some Ukrainian nationalists supported the Nazis during the Second Word War. In fact .... many of the guards in these concentration camps were not Germans but Ukrainians. The reasons why many Ukrainians did this during the Second World War may shock you .... but this will take a long time to explain and now is not the time. As for what are the sympathies of some of the Ukrainian nationalists today .... they are definitely not Nazis, but some have excused the behavior of past Ukrainian Nazi supporters .... hence the label.
An increase in the number of defections to Russia may actually mean that the "rebellion" is in trouble. These pro-Russian soldiers want to defect while the going is good, not when the rebels are crushed. The big question is whether or not Russia is turning them around to enlist with the rebels.
I have looked at these videos .... many of these soldiers feel abandoned ... and more to the point .... they do not have the supplies to sustain their operations. They are also conscripts .... and there are many who are wondering why are they fighting against Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine. I also doubt that Russia sees any value in them as rebel soldiers. They are just going to take their weapons and uniforms and put them on a train back to Ukraine.
You are writing/talking rubbish! Why would Russia do what you so stupidly suggest?
Every regime change the imperialist hawks from Westminster and Washington get involved in, they mess the country up worse than before.
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