Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Israel And Hamas Are Now Fighting A War Of Attrition

Smoke and flames are seen following what police said was an Israeli air strike in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip July 8, 2014.(Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)

Israel And Hamas Appear To Have Run Out Of Ideas, But Not Bombs -- Washington Post

JERUSALEM — After 49 days of war, the armies of Israel and Hamas appear to have run out of new ideas — but not bombs. They are now slugging it out in a lopsided war of attrition.

As rumors fly that another cease-fire could be imminent, Hamas and Israel are groping for a diplomatic solution that could allow both to declare victory — or in the case of Hamas, at least avoid an obvious loss.

But without a permanent truce, the war of attrition could drag on for weeks or longer. Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said Sunday, “If the leaders of Hamas think they can wear us down, they are wrong.”

As the conflict enters its eighth week, the populations on both sides are less angry than exhausted.

In Israel, smartphone apps ping warnings of incoming rockets with the dull monotony of traffic updates.

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My Comment: Someone will eventually give ....but I suspect that it is going to take a long time.

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