Monday, August 18, 2014

Massive Cutbacks In U.S. Navy Personnel Expected

Almost 8,000 Navy Chiefs Face Ax; Sailors Could Advance -- USA Today

WASHINGTON — Almost 8,000 senior enlisted personnel must go before a continuation board later this year to determine whether they can continue to serve or must retire.

The board — the first since early 2013 — will convene Oct. 27, according to a Navy document released Aug. 14.

At risk are between 7,500 and 8,000 retirement-eligible active and reserve E-7s, E-8s and E-9s with at least at least three years' time in rate.

But there is a big upside to the process: Clearing out senior enlisted who have engaged in misconduct or whose performance has slipped noticeably makes way for hot running sailors to move up.

The board has no exceptions; even the most senior sailors — up to and including Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Mike Stevens — will have their records reviewed.

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My Comment: Slash and burn .... slash and burn. This is what U.S. defense policy is becoming today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

More than once I have seen senior enlisted retire from the navy and become line supervisors for companies that still make products in the U.S.

Many senior enlisted now have bachelor degrees. With a B.S. and experience as a line supervisor at a Fortune 500 company they can move up 3 or 4 grades in management. From the beginning this makes them white collar and middle class and ensures they stay that way.

An E7 could retire form the military at 40 or 42 and retire from a corporation at 62 or 62.5. Muito bueno. They do that and they deserve all they get.

People get into a system and sometime get blinders or want to ride it all the way to the end. they want to ride it to the last possible years of service for that paygrade and not look at other and potentially better opportunities.