Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Relatives And Victims Of A U.S. Military Drone Strike In Yemen Get More Than $1 Million

Yemeni Victims Of U.S. Military Drone Strike Get More Than $1 Million In Compensation -- Washington Post

The Yemeni government paid the families of those killed or injured in a U.S. drone strike last year more than $1 million, according to documents that provide new details on secret condolence payments seen as evidence that civilians with no ties to al-Qaeda were among the casualties.

The documents, which are signed by Yemeni court officials and victims’ relatives, record payouts designed to quell anger over a U.S. strike that hit vehicles in a wedding party and prompted a suspension of the U.S. military’s authority to carry out drone attacks on a dangerous al-Qaeda affiliate.

The records reveal payments that are many times larger than Yemeni officials acknowledged after the strike. The $1 million-plus figure also exceeds the total amount distributed by the U.S. military for errant strikes in Afghanistan over an entire year.

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My Comment: This is as close as you will get to an admission that someone screwed up bad.


James said...

It also may indicate that the Yemeni government is scared for it's own survival.

Unknown said...

How do you not screw up?

Every process has a defect rate. If there are perfect processes then a the engineering professors were liars.

What matters is the percentage of screw ups. It is the difference between profit and loss for a company. For a government the rate is the difference between the Mandate of Heaven or its' loss.

The U.S. government has been paying compensation as far back as Operation Torch in North Africa in 1943. So paying compensation might be regarded as de rigueur for the U.S. Army and long established. How bad can such an army be?

I am tired of this group Reprieve and I just heard of them. Very tired.They are the type of group that could make a fuss over Ferguson and stay mum about ISIS treatment of Yazidis, Christians or anyone else. They might be concerned about it and suggest that that we do something about it, but the central committee of Reprieve are safe in London. If anything needed to be done they would push people to the front and say "Do something" and use them as a meat shield. They are the people in the hill watching the action with a telescoping critiquing and scoring.

I am tired of the Hadhramaut and nearby environs. It is the place that does not like central government and will harbor terrorists because they are blood, they are scared, because "hospitality", or because harboring the terrorists makes the government weaker and them relatively stronger. So we are to respect the Hadhramaut as civilian area and wrong our hands every time a Hellfire is shot.

Consider WW2. After Barabarossa if a factory was bombed but the bombing run overlapped a residential area due to wind, navigation error or the limits of bombing accuracy would people care? I think countries, groups of people have what is coming to them if they do not get rid of bad leaders ... be it Germany, Japan or the Hadhramaut. I have relatives that have been on the receiving end of bombs in Axis and Allied countries. I have seen the fear. I played VHS tape of historical footage. It was a stupid boneheaded move, but there it is.

The Hadhramaut should live up to its' name.