Sunday, August 17, 2014

Top General: NATO Would Use Military Force If Russia Uses A Crimea-Style Infiltration Against A NATO State

NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander of the U.S. European Command General Philip Breedlove speaks during a news conference at the National Defence headquarters in Ottawa May 6, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Chris Wattie

NATO Would Respond Militarily To Crimea-Style Infiltration: General -- Reuters

(Reuters) - If Russia tries to infiltrate troops into a NATO country, even out of official military uniform as it did before it annexed Ukraine's Crimea, NATO will respond militarily, the alliance's top commander said in an interview published on Sunday.

Soldiers wearing uniforms without national markings were deployed when Russia entered Crimea from late February. Although President Vladimir Putin initially denied involvement, he admitted in April that Russian forces had been active there.

Kiev and Western governments are now waiting to see if Moscow will intervene to support besieged rebels in Ukraine's Russian-speaking east. Some defense experts have said Putin might also look to the former Soviet republics in the Baltics which have large ethnic Russian minorities, such as Estonia or Latvia.

Read more ....

My Comment: If such a military response occurs .... we will be at the brink of a major European conflict .... and possibly a World War. But personally I doubt that Russia would use such tactics against any NATO member .... there is simply no support in Russia to engage NATO on such a level .... and I suspect that Putin also has no stomach to go down this dangerous road. As to the conflict in Ukraine .... that is a different story .... my read of the Russian public is that they would support a military intervention if and only if the conflict becomes a massive humanitarian disaster .... and we are nowhere near that yet.


Rhaegar said...

We are getting near a humantarian disater in donetsk, they have lost their water today, what happens then? 1 mil residents and no water and the sewer doesent work and its not long before the power is gone to if the fights continue near the power and water lines.

James said...

The question not answered here or anywhere is "why would Putin do this to a Nato country?", until that's done this all an exercise of "we don't know what you're doing or why".

Buick93 said...

Which is specifically why Ukraine wasn't admitted into NATO following the Georgian invasion in 2008.

Russia has considered the border countries (Belorussia, Ukraine, Georgia, etc.) as buffers between the West and Russia. They believe they are firmly in there sphere of influence and should remain so. That is why we never extended NATO membership that far East.

If push comes to shove, there is a LOT we will allow Russia to do in Ukraine, but that line has been firmly drawn with Poland, the Baltic States, etc.

Kaliningrad Oblast is another matter entirely.
IF war were to break out in Europe, it will be because of something that occurs in that region.

Unless some Black Swan incident precipitates war.

War News Updates Editor said...

A "Black Swan" event .... I haven't heard that term in a long time.

Unknown said...

What is a sphere of influence. Why is it sacred?

Vietnam & Korea are clearly in China's Sphere of influence. China fought to keep the U.S. out. This is what guided Mao's strategy.

It is also utter BS. Yes people use the concept of sphere or influence, but morally where is their right?

If ythe U.S. and south Korea want to make a mutual defense pack what right does China have to stop it? If Korea is problematic what about the U.S. and Brunei, Malaysia or the Phillipines.

Mexico has a right to make a dense pact with say Germany or Russia or China.

As far as I am concerned sphere of influence is diplo-speak for "we're concerned that a big bully might start something". It has nothing to do with any concept of justness or morality. It is about the "BIG" kids on the block and dominance or fear of loss of dominance.

Unknown said...

Kaliningrad Oblast is ethnically diverse or would want o secede?

I would not think so.

I also do not think Poland or Germany would even consider taking it from Russia. It just does not enter the heads of their politicians.

Sweden use to vie with Russia but that was a long time ago. These days the Swedes cannot keep the royals jewels safe from common street burglars. True story.

Buick93 said...

A sphere of influence is sacred simply because it's a red line that will cause a state to go to war.
It's generally the location of a nation's vital national interests.
Your sphere of influence is your home. If I were to stand in front of your house armed to the teeth, I think you'd probably do something about it.