Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ukraine Passes Law That Sanctions Key Russian Industries And Individuals. Russian Gas Interruptions To Europe Are Now Feared

Ukraine Approves Law On Sanctions Against Russia -- Reuters

Aug 14 (Reuters) - The Ukrainian parliament approved a law on Thursday to impose sanctions on Russian companies and individuals supporting and financing separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine.

The government has already prepared a list of 172 citizens of Russia and other countries, and of 65 Russian companies, including gas export giant Gazprom, on whom they could impose sanctions "for financing terrorism".

After Thursday's vote, Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk told parliament that Ukraine had taken a historic step. "By approving the law on sanctions, we showed that the country is able to protect itself," he said.

"The law should give a clear answer to any aggressor or terrorist who threatens our national security, our government and our citizens."

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More News On Ukraine Agreeing To Sanctions Key Russian Industries And Individuals

Ukraine Passes Law On Russia Sanctions, Gas Pipelines -- Radio Free Europe
Ukraine's Parliament adopts law allowing sanctions against Russia -- RT
Ukraine’s parliament endorses law on anti-Russian sanctions -- ITAR-TASS
Ukraine Passes Russian Sanctions Law: Gas Transit Halt Seems Imminent -- Zero Hedge

My Comment: The Europeans are not happy with these sanctions .... Europe is already facing another recession .... gas interruptions from Russia will all but guarantee a deep economic downturn throughout Europe this winter.

1 comment:

James said...

Something in those bushes has got them a little jumpy.