Monday, August 18, 2014

Ukraine's Government And Pro-Russian Separatists Are Blaming One Another For Today's Attack On A Refugee Convoy

Dozens Killed In Attack On Convoy, Ukraine Says; Rebels Deny Firing Rocket -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Dozens of people, including women and children, were killed fleeing fighting in eastern Ukraine on Monday when their convoy of buses was hit by rocket fire, military spokesmen said.

Ukraine accused pro-Russian rebels of targeting the convoy, which it said was bearing white flags when it was hit near the eastern city of Luhansk. The separatists denied responsibility for the attack and one rebel leader suggested the incident might never have taken place.

"The rebels were expecting the convoy and destroyed it entirely," military spokesman Andriy Lysenko told journalists. "We haven't been able to count the number of victims ... dozens (were killed)."

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More News On Today's Attack On A Refugee Column In Eastern Ukraine

'Dozens' Killed in Shelling of Refugee Convoy, Ukraine Says -- Moscow Times/AP
Ukraine refugee convoy hit by rockets, says military -- BBC
Ukraine: Reports Of Attack On Civilian Convoy Near Luhansk -- NPR
Rebels Killed Dozens in Attack of Refugees, Ukraine Says -- New York Times
Refugee convoy in eastern Ukraine 'hit by rocket fire' -- Deutsche Welle
Rockets hit civilian convoy fleeing east Ukraine city -- USA Today
Ukraine crisis: 'Refugees burned alive' as convoy hit by missile strike in eastern Ukraine -- The Independent
Ukraine: 'dozens dead' in strike on fleeing refugees -- The Telegraph


Rhaegar said...

James, did my training today, 2 sit ups, 2 push ups and 3km walk.

James said...

Very good Rhaegar! Tomorrow 3 each and 3 kilometers + 100 meters. Go get em Rhaegar!

James said...

Oh yeah, tomorrow you'll probably hurt a little, but that's no biggie, just some sore muscles. That will go away after about a week.

Rhaegar said...

Ok it will go fine, i have a friend helping me with the daily walks, we use an mobile ap thats calculates how long we have walked. And hd helped me with pushups since i had some problems so i use the knees and sooner i can try just using the footblades. Thank you for motivating me to do this. It will help me very mutch in long term and increasing my chances getting in the army. But one question can a autistic have a military carer or will i be declared unfitt for duty and sent home? I dident find any info so if you know anything about it, it would be a great help

James said...

Don't know. Just don't say anything, see if you pass the tests. What are they going to do if they catch you, throw you out of the Army?

Rhaegar said...

Ok shall try that . Its my last year at youth school and we shall have about carers somthime in the future, my class shall get a visit by a guy from the Norwegian army, when he comes to visit shall i ask him if autistics can get conscripted or shall i ask one of my friends to do it so the guy from the militar dosent get suspicius?

James said...

Don't you or anyone else say anything. Listen to what the guy says and if you decide to join, just go for it. If it comes up later, just say you didn't know it was important.

Rhaegar said...

Thank you this helps me very mutch. i hope i get a carer in the military. But one question how do yiu know so mutch about military things and war? I have gut feeling that you are a veteran or have worked in the military, is that right or am i wrong? Also god night i have school tomorow so i must sleep now.

James said...

If I was in the military it's been so long I don't remember. If I remember, I didn't do anything. And if I did anything I probably should have been put in jail for doing it.
I will tell you this, you are very lucky to have found this site. The comments are outstanding and the contributors are absolutely top notch:
just to name a few are people you should listen to very closely, they know of what they talk about.
Then there is WNU. It is very rare that you meet someone who was close to the center of the other side of a great struggle and is willing to comment on the tenor of(atmosphere if you wish) that side. When WNU comments always pay close attention.

You do well asking questions. There are no stupid questions (ignorant yes, but that's ok), only stupid answers. Of course a very good living can be made giving stupid answers, an entire group of people in Washington prove that every day.

War News Updates Editor said...

I did 2 pushups today. Ambulance was called in. Prescription for healing was opening a bottle of Haut Brion with my brother. Will recover with time.

James said...
