Tuesday, August 26, 2014

White House Sends More Officials To Michael Brown’s Funeral Than Thatcher’s, And None For Beheaded Journalist James Foley

More White House Officials At Michael Brown’s Funeral Than Thatcher’s -- FOX News

The White House sent three officials to attend Monday's funeral for Michael Brown in St. Louis -- three more than it sent for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's funeral last year.

The administration's handling of the Brown funeral already has started to raise comparisons between the two.

For Monday's funeral, the White House sent two officials with the White House Office of Public Engagement as well as Broderick Johnson, chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force.

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Update: Obama Sent No Representative to Memorial Mass for Beheaded Journalist James Foley -- CNS

My Comment: President Obama and his administration are clueless .... completely clueless. And the Islamic State .... who closely studies how we respond to events .... are taking note that this White House is telling the world that they do not want to be seen as someone who wants to antagonize the Islamic State.

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