Thursday, August 14, 2014

Is The White House Showing A Lack of Concern On The Rise Of The Islamic State?

U.S. Air Strikes Outside Of Erbil. US Department of Defence Handout

Obama Administration Shows Little Urgency For Stemming Islamic State Violence -- Greg Jaffe and Greg Miller, Washington Post

Senior U.S. officials describe the threat posed by the Islamic State in chilling terms, but they have mounted a decidedly modest military campaign to check its advance through northern Iraq.

The radical Islamist organization has attracted more fighters, controls more territory and has access to a larger stream of money than al-Qaeda did before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to U.S. officials and terrorism experts. Its refusal to rein in its brand of rampant violence accounts in part for its break from the better-known terrorist group.

“This is serious business,” Secretary of State John F. Kerry told reporters earlier this week. “I think the world is beginning to come to grips with the degree to which this is unacceptable.”

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My Comment: I am sure that the U.S. intelligence community and the White House are concerned about the rise of these Jihadist groups .... but the U.S. is not going to launch large scale military ground operations in Iraq and Syria to get rid of The Islamic State .... they are betting on the Iraqi military to do it's part in Iraq, and hope that in Syria the Jihadists will be contained.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Well I guess I was right about why Obama cut short his vacation. It had nothing to do with the flame ups in the numerous hot spots around world. It was all just to address Furgeson, Missouri in order to "play to the base" in an election cycle.