Saturday, September 20, 2014

Blackwater Founder: We Could Stop The Islamic State

Erik Prince testifies before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on security contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan on Capitol Hill in Washington October 2, 2007. Credit: Reuters/Larry Downing

Blackwater Founder Wants to Fight Ebola, ISIS, and for the GOP to ‘Get Off Their Ass’ -- Asawin Suebsaeng, Daily Beast

Erik Prince says his old private army could have dealt with the Islamic State militants on their own—and that Republicans need to start fighting ‘like we pay them to.’

Erik Prince has a message for ISIS: You’re lucky Blackwater is gone.

On Friday night, the controversial founder of the private military company had plenty to say about what the organization he once ran could be doing in the fight against the so-called Islamic State—and also why Republicans need to stop being such losers.

“It’s a shame the [Obama] administration crushed my old business, because as a private organization, we could’ve solved the boots-on-the-ground issue, we could have had contracts from people that want to go there as contractors; you don’t have the argument of U.S. active duty going back in there,” Prince said in an on-stage discussion featuring retired four-star Gen. James Conway. “[They could have] gone in there and done it, and be done, and not have a long, protracted political mess that I predict will ensue.”

Read more ....

My Comment: I do not have his confidence that he would succeed .... far from it.


Dale Day said...

I totally disagree with you.

Well, as long as they don't have Obama breathing down their necks, why not? It's made up of seasoned vets who know the ropes and won't have those stupid political rules to slow them down.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you Dale for your opinion. I know that they have veterans and professionals .... but the Islamic State encompasses two countries and they probably have the support of the local population. Blackwater could kick their ass .... with proper air support ... but they do not have the resources to stay put for a long occupation .... and that is the problem confronting the planners on what to do in Iraq and Syria. What happens after they had crushed these militants .... there is no easy solition to that.

James said...

Who would pay them for this work?