Saturday, September 20, 2014

Is America In Decline?

45 Facts That Show How Far America Has Fallen In This Generation -- Zero Hedge

What has happened to America? Please show these numbers to anyone that does not believe that the United States is in decline. It is time for all of us to humble ourselves and face the reality of what has happened to our once great nation. For those of us that love America, it is heartbreaking to watch the foundations of our society rot and decay in thousands of different ways. The following are 45 facts that show how far America has fallen in this generation, but the truth is that this list could have been far, far longer…

#1 According to a survey that was just conducted, only 36 percent of all Americans can name the three branches of government.

#2 Only 25 percent of all Americans know how long U.S. Senators are elected for (6 years), and only 20 percent of all Americans know how many U.S. senators there are.

#3 Even if you include same-sex couples in the numbers, the marriage rate in the United States is at a 93 year low.

#4 For the first time ever, single Americans make up more than half the U.S. population.

Read more ....

My Comment: The U.S. has gone through rough times before .... far worse than what the country is going through right now. She will survive.


D.Plowman said...

Most of those facts can also be applied to other countries (especially when you take population numbers into account) and the political questions can be put down to people not giving a damn about political facts as they are probably occupied with trying to survive day by day and got far more grounded issues to worry about than try to remember all three branches of government.

This so called '45 facts of decline' is laughable in its attempt to showcase American decline. Not that I'm saying American influence among other things are not in decline, but rather the facts produced here do a piss poor job at showcasing that.

Unknown said...

"the political questions can be put down to people not giving a damn about political facts as they are probably occupied with trying to survive day by day and got far more grounded issues to worry about than try to remember all three branches of government."

That is a reasonable statement and I half believe it myself.

But isn't the 3 branches of government rather one of the easier facts to remember?

Is it like tying your shoes or riding a bike? Or am I wrong because those are easier since those are a visual /physical tasks?

The 3 branches of government are replicated down to the local level. People interact with their local courts and read about the city council and the mayor in the paper.

I wonder how much this is people playing with the pollsters. I would like to see a breakdown of the respondents.

Often time polls do not give an avenue for peple to represent their views in a representative poll, but is more of a waste of people's time for which they have no recompense for the lost time. Also a fair number of polls are rigged with leading questions and people know it. So maybe they resent the polls and yet don;t come out and say it. Instead they passive aggressively play along in an underhanded sort of way.

Ropestuff said...

Many of those statements were faith based as well, as in they would only be an Issue if they offended ones faith. Children born out of wedlock, couples living together out of marriage, teens having babies, etc. Things like that don't break a country, just ones concept of the way a country should be , particularly if one lives in Utah.

Ropestuff said...

Like saying debauchery fell Rome. It wasn't that Rome fell because they had a sadistic lust for coliseum games or that they were sodomites. It wasn't the lust for violence in the case of the coliseum games, it was that the games were unsustainable in the scale of resources. It wasn't that they were sodomites, it was that they didn't understand STD's. It wasn't that they were hardcore winos it was that they sweetened their wine with oxidized lead pellets. To say we are in moral decay is one thing, to say that moral decay is going to sink us is a long and heated debate.