Sunday, September 21, 2014

Should President Obama Ignore His Generals?

President Barack Obama and Brig. Gen. Erik Kurilla view photos of fallen military personnel at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, Sunday, May 25, 2014. Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

Why It’s OK for Obama To Ignore Military Advice -- Lawrence J. Korb, Defense One

Here we go again.

Many critics of President Barack Obama who want us to send thousands of American ground troops to destroy and defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, claim that by pledging not to give a direct combat mission in Iraq and Syria to the troops, Obama is ignoring military advice that the consequences of taking this option off the table will be disastrous for America and the region.

Advocates of this position point to recommendations by Gen. Lloyd Austin, the head of U.S. Central Command, the testimony of Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday, and the remarks of Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno the following day to his fellow Army chiefs in Europe, who have all said that conditions on the ground in Iraq and Syria should dictate military strategy. Other retired military officers, like Gen. James Mattis, who preceded Austin at CENTCOM, have also argued that the president should not rule out the possibility of the need for a larger ground force.

Read more ....

My Comment: The President looks at a situation with the big picture in mind .... Generals look at the military operational aspects on what is necessary to achieve the President's objectives as outlined by his strategy. It is wise (and probably recommended) that at times the advice of the military should only be taken into consideration, but what I find is disconcerting on what needs to be done to contain the  Islamic State is the almost universal chorus from the Pentagon that the resources that have been given to them is not enough to achieve the White House's strategic objectives. I know that this could be the Pentagon doing a CYA (covering you ass) .... but when everyone is coming out and saying no .... the strategy will not work .... this is where my concerns rise.


D.Plowman said...

Hitler ignored his Generals and the world benefited from it.

Obama ignored his Generals and the world continues to burn.

War News Updates Editor said...

When I was writing up my comment I was also thinking of the Hitler analogy. See D. Plowman .... great minds think alike.

On a side note .... why is it that when I read one of your comments I develop a craving for a Guinness.

Unknown said...


D.Plowman said...


Question is... Do you have a craving for that cheap imitation stuff that gets passed around as Guinness, or do you have a craving for the real stuff? :P

I've had a friend of mine recently come over from England who used to detest Guinness. She tried it before in England and swore to never have another. When she came to visit, I showed her what a pint of Guinness brewed in Dublin tastes like, and she couldn't believe the difference. She loves it now!

War News Updates Editor said...

It was only a few years ago that I noticed the difference. Fortunately .... there are a few Irish pubs in Montreal where you can enjoy the real stuff. The problem .... you have to pay for it .... but I do indulge with my brother when he is visiting once in a while.

If I should ever pass through Dublin .... there is no question in my mind .... the Guinness tasting room is on my list of priority targets. (If not on the top).

D.Plowman said...

Make sure you do, and pay a visit to the Leprechaun museum :P