Saturday, October 4, 2014

After A Week Of Victories Islamic State Forces Reportedly On Baghdad's Outskirts

Islamic State Reportedly On Baghdad's Outskirts After Week Of Victories -- Sydney Morning Herald

Irbil, Iraq: Islamic State militants have taken control of key cities in Iraq's western province of Anbar and have begun to besiege one of the country's largest military bases in a weeklong offensive that's brought them within artillery range of Baghdad.

IS, also known as ISIS, and its tribal allies have dominated Anbar since a surprise offensive last December, but this week's push was particularly worrisome, because for the first time this year Islamist insurgents were reported to have become a major presence in Abu Ghraib, the last Anbar town on the outskirts of the capital.

"Daash is openly operating inside Abu Ghraib," according to an Iraqi soldier, who used the common Arabic term for IS . "I was at the 10th Division base there two days ago, and the soldiers cannot leave or patrol," he said, asking that he be identified only as Hossam"Daash controls the streets."

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Previous Post: Is Baghdad About To Fall? Fierce Fighting Reported Near Iraqi Capital. ISIS Militants Less Than 2 Miles From Baghdad

More News On Reports That The Islamic State is On The Outskirts Of Baghdad

Islamic State reportedly on outskirts of Baghdad -- News Tribune/McClatchy news
ISIS Within a Mile From Baghdad -- Arutz Sheva
Air strikes 'failing' as Isil only an hour away from Baghdad --
Islamist insurgents seize western Iraqi town of Hit - security sources -- Reuters
ISIL moving in on Baghdad, airport despite U.S. air strikes -- World Tribune
Baghdad priest: Iraqis in city fear possible ISIS attack -- FOX News
Is Baghdad at risk of falling to ISIS? -- FOX News

My Comment: For the past week reports have been coming in that Islamic State forces were preparing to enter Baghdad. It now appears that they are on the verge of doing just that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would have thought ISIS would have secured their rear areas 1st from Ramadi to Haditha. To some extent they have when they took Hit and invaded the southern Ramadi suburbs.

Still, I would have thought they would have secured those areas 1st, but it looks like they are bypassing & masking them.

How much support does the Iraqi government have around Haditha? If the locals provide food, then the military only has to fly in ammo, fly in replacements and causevac. The Iraqi government does not have a good track record on this account.

The further the Iraqi government is from Haditha and Ramadi the harder it is to supply. More flight time and the greater the anti-aircraft threat. Yes, that much is obvious & is not rocket science.

I don't know what the American advisors are doing. I know they are good and know their stuff.
What are we waiting for? An Inchon moment? Tied to elections?