Sunday, October 5, 2014

Al Shabaab Is Losing The War In Somalia

Somali Troops Recapture Major Port -- RTE

Somali troops, backed by African peacekeepers, have recaptured the last major port held by al-Shabaab, Somali officials have said.

"The army is in full control" of the port of Barawe, Somali military official Abdi Mire said.

The port, 200km southwest of Mogadishu, was a key source of revenue for the Islamist militia.

Al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda's main affiliate in Africa, exported charcoal through Barawe to Gulf countries earning at least $25m (€19m) a year from the trade, according to UN estimates.

The fall of Barawe is a major blow to al-Shabaab, one month after its supreme leader Ahmed Abdi Godane was killed in a US drone and aircraft strike.

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More News On Al Shabaab Military Loses In Somalia

Somalia Islamist militants abandon last stronghold to government forces -- CNN
African Union troops lay siege over Somali town run by Shabaab -- Reuters
Somalia: Somali, AU troops capture last major al-Shabaab Stronghold -- Horseedmeida
Al Shabaab suffers further set backs -- New Vision
Somalia: Al Shabaab Confronts Doomsday -- Strategy Page

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is the 1st really good news in a long time.

Ethiopia like Nigeria is a country to watch.

Maybe Africa is finally rising!