Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ebola Zones In Africa Are On The Brink Of Famine As Farmers Abandoned Their Fields

Famine Is The Next Threat From Ebola In Africa, As Farmers Flee Their Fields And Food Runs Short, UN Warns -- Daily Mail/AP

* More than 750,000 people are in need of food aid in West Africa
* That will increase to 1.3million in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea
* The Ebola outbreak is causing farmers to flee their fields and prices up
* Families are reducing meals as they become increasingly desperate for food

Ebola could cause a major food crisis in Africa if it continues unchecked, and millions of people in the worst-hit countries are already running short as farms are abandoned and trade interrupted, a UN organisation warns.

The outbreak of the deadly virus in West Africa is piling more pressure on supplies that are already badly stretched.

Read more ....

Update #1: Ebola escalation could trigger major food crisis -- AP
Update #2: Ebola could trigger food crisis -- iol News

My Comment: I concur with this assessment .... with Ebola spreading and running rampant throughout these West African communities .... farmers are not going to take the risk to work in the fields and to bring their produce to market. And for aid agencies .... they and their workers will have to make the hard decisions on what risks will they take when they are distributing aid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would figure the fields would be safer. You are outside & away from other people.

You would still have to worry about animal vectors.

Coming into market to sell the harvest or to buy seed where you are around maybe a multitude of other people is another matter.


I lost all desire to see humanitarian efforts after Somalia.

There was a famine. NGOs & the UN came distributed aid. The aid was stolen by warlords.

Peacekeepers including the U.S. came in.

Warlords being warlords really didn't care if peacekeepers were there. They kept on doing what they wanted unless they were met with overwhelming force.

We got Black Hawk Down and the U.S. was blamed.

Rinse repeat.

George Clooney wanted us to intervene in Dharfur, I thought it would be a bad ideal.

People were being maltreated and worse. However, I saw it as Somalis "Part Duh" (Deux) (others thoguth so too; there have been a few essays to that effect). No assurances that the nattering nabobs would not hamstring the effort, place blame on America and take the government of Sudan to task. Rather they would take America to task after a small grace period.