Saturday, October 4, 2014

Editor's Note

Last night this entire blog was deleted by Google. It was an error .... but for those who may have gone online last night and noticed that this blog no longer existed .... rest assure .... that is not the case.

To say that I was surprised last night when I noticed that I no longer exist is an understatement. Fortunately .... there is a happy ending .... and everything has just been restored.

There are over 60,000 posts in the blog. Over the years it has had over 4,000,000 visitors and 10,000,000 plus page views .... and it is still growing. The visitors to this blog includes everyone ... and it is an international audience. Generals, admirals, officers, regular soldiers, intelligence officials (former and current), politicians and their aides, the media, fellow bloggers, businessmen (big and small), Hollywood celebrities, students, and regular folks like you and me.

When I first started this blog I just wanted to work on my English, and to maybe get a visitor or two .... and maybe .... just maybe .... have someone post a comment. I never expected the audience that it has .... and I certainly never expected to have the inpact that it has.

A fellow blogger at Information Dissemination told me a few years ago that while he was attending a Pentagon conference on the role of the new media in covering conflicts and defense related news .... War News Updates was mentioned repeatedly as a go to place for war/defense/military information. I was skeptical .... but a few days later I noticed on my tracking  program that I was receiving a regular visitor from a address (that person still visits today). A few weeks after that I received an email from the BBC wanting to know if I was interested in joining one of their panels that discusses wars and conflicts. I was shocked .... because I am an extremely private person. I declined .... but every few months I get a request wanting to know if I had changed my mind. Maybe one day I will say yes. :)

But in the end .... when it comes to this blog .... I owe everything to you .... the reader. Your comments and feedback .... negative and positive .... are always craved for .... and my words are not sufficient to express my thanks and deep appreciation. And as for this blog .... as long as I am alive and healthy .... this blog will go on.

And like I said .... I just want to work on my English.

Update: Wow .... I just checked my email. 61 emails wanting to know what happened last night. Don't you guys and gals have better things to do :)

Update #2: I have a hundred and one things to do today .... so regular blogging will return early this evening.


oldfatslow said...

My heart sank when I
logged on this morning
and got "This blog has
been deleted." My
recommendation to my
kids and anyone else
is that they check
WNU at least three
times a day. I know
I do. Thanks for
resurrecting things.


Alex said...

WNU Editor: I am relieved to see the blog restored!

I first found your blog about 4 1/2 years ago when I was thinking of enlisting in the US Army. It seemed a good way to inform myself on some of the issues I was getting myself into.

In the end, I did enlist, and it was helpful to begin and to endure my term of service/ deployment to Afg. with the information I've received from this blog; now I'm hooked. I often look forward to your comments as much or more than the articles.

Thanks for what you do!

Unknown said...

I got a little sad inside when i saw the blog was deleted this morning, glad to see it back up, keep the good work

War News Updates Editor said...

You were sad Benjamin ... think of how I felt!

Unknown said...

I can only imagine, years of work gone.

phill said...

I'm in my 20, and I swear I started to have chest pains....glad your still with us buddy.

Rhaegar said...

I am glad it got fixed, so mutch work you have put into the blog and it was almost gone. Thank you for fixing it and also i agree with you, you are one of the best sources i have and are also one of the most trusted ones :)

Unknown said...

Thought the CIA finally got ya, but thankfully, all is well.;)

Ropestuff said...

Your work is very much appreciated. There is nothing else like this that I have found. Your site is the first and last one I check everyday and about 25 times in between. I felt a great sense of loss last night when I saw you were gone, like the only window into the storm was shut and I was in the dark about what was happening outside. Thanks for all the great work.

efFlh43 said...

I was so inactive in the last couple of days that I almost missed this happening. Anyway good to see that you and the blog are both back.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to see you are back! Thank you for what you do and the sacrifices you make to keep us informed.

Matthew Putnam said...

I check this blog 2-5 times a day depending. This is my foremost go to source for multiple areas that concern me. As far as information exposure and processing is concerned, this blog is invaluable to me and my interests. I was genuinely confused when I saw that it was no longer available. The way the information on here is compiled, archived and disseminated is unrivaled. Please never even consider retiring this blog, I am sure I will not be the only one who will be greatly disoriented in such an event. I can't thank you enough for what you have provided to those of us who desire a greater knowledge of the world around us.

Unknown said...

Welcome back! didn't know what I was going to do without this site. I had to get twitter and find you to follow, luckily this site it back in, cause I still don't know how to use that damn twitter app. Glad your back and keep it coming, btw your English is great!